Michael Kinard
a native of Wichita, earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Friends University. Kinard has been the Executive Director of the Kansas Minority Business Development Council (KMBDC) since May 1999. As director of the KMBDC, Kinard counsels and encourages many minority businesses in Wichita. Kinard is a member of the Wichita School Board, an active member for the Downtown Rotary Club, serves on the Communities United Credit Union Board, a board member for the north branch YMCA, Chairperson of Sedgwick County Micro-loan Credit Committee, a mediator for the Community Mediation Services, serves as co-chair on the education committee for the NCCJ and is a member of the NAACP. You can contact Michael at 350 W. Douglas, P.O. Box 1241, Wichita, KS 67201-1241, by phone at (316) 268-1154, or by e-mail at michael@wacc.org
Articles Written By Michael Kinard