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Dr Bruce A Kater
Dr. Bruce A. Kater is medical director at the Envision Rehabilitation Center, a clinic primarily serving patients with low vision. He earned his O.D. degree from the University of Houston, and has worked in low vision optometry since 1995. Dr. Kater can be reached at Envision Rehabilitation Center (316) 267-2244 , toll free (800) 685-7959 or visit www.envisionus.com
Articles Written By Dr Bruce A Kater
Vision 4th-October-2011 The sneak thief of sight?
Vision 4th-October-2011 Rehabilitation & adaptive aids
Vision 4th-October-2011 Vision loss prevention for diabetic
Vision 4th-October-2011 What is “low vision”?
Vision 4th-October-2011 Can vitamins cure AMD?
Vision 4th-October-2011 What can be done for AMD?
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