Sharon Miklos owns Stress Busters Massage Therapy Group, located at 1747 Osage, Suite A (SW corner of Rock Rd and Osage) in Derby. Sharon has been a Massage Therapist in the Derby, Wichita and surrounding communities for the last twenty years.Sharon began her massage therapy training in 1990 her continues to train and develop her skills in a wide variety of modalities. In 1992 Sharon joined the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), the largest professional massage organization in the United States. Since 1994 Sharon has served on the Kansas Chapter AMTA Board of Directors. She has served her state chapter and professional association by holding the following offices and positions: Chapter President; Education Director, Newsletter Editor: Regional Four State Convention Planner: Massage Emergency Response Team Chair; Nominations Chair; Delegate to the National Convention (twice); Chairperson for Chapter Special Projects. You can contact Sharon by calling (316) 393 – 6274, direct e-mails to sharon@stressbustersmtg.com or you may visit Stress Busters Massage Therapy Group website at www.stressbustersmtg.com.
Articles Written By Sharon Miklos