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Stephanie M Thompson
Stephanie M. Thompson, RN, MSN, CBEC, CBCN, CBPN-IC, CFN is the SEK Regional Nurse/Case Manager for Early Detection Works. Kelly York is the SEK Regional Outreach Coordinator. Their office is located at 410 E. Atkinson, Pittsburg, Ks, 66762.To schedule a free breast health presentation, or to determine eligibility for the EDW program, please call the SEK Regional office in Pittsburg at (620) 235-7136.
Articles Written By Stephanie M Thompson
Health & Wellness 1st-January-2012 Who should get screened for HPV?
Health & Wellness 29th-September-2011 What do pink ribbons represent?
Health & Wellness 1st-May-2011 Health screenings without insurance
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