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Linda Kirby
Linda Kirby has been a practicing attorney in Wichita since 1988, and is running for Sedgwick County District Court Judge in the 2012 Primary. Previously, Ms. Kirby was Professor of Law at the University of Richmond. She teaches seminars on Executor's Training, Estate Planning, Pre-Marital Agreements and Retirement Planning. Ms. Kirby focuses her legal practice in the areas of Estate Planning, Pre-Marital Agreements, Wills, Trusts, Probate and Tax. She is the author of The Executor's Guide. Ms Kirby can be contacted at (316) 686-2000. Her office is located at 6135 East Central, Wichita, KS 67208, and her website is at www.LindaKirby.com.
Articles Written By Linda Kirby
Politics 1st-August-2012 Why run for District Court Judge?
Legal 1st-November-2002 Re-writing wills
Legal 1st-September-2002 What does an executor do?
Legal 4th-November-2011 What is a Pre-Marital Agreement?
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