| Carla Shepherd owns the Right at Home franchise in Wichita. Right At HOme is a licensed Home Health Agency providing In-Home Care for individuals needing assistance to remain in their home. Carla is a former manager with Via Christi Health Services with over 20 years of health care experience. Also a Member of the National Privacy Duty Association. You can visit Carla at Right at Home, located at 7438 W. 21st St, Suite 123 in West Wichita. Call (316) 721- 6001, e-mail cjshep@ rah.kscoxmail.com or visit the website at www.rightathome.net/wichita |
Senior Living
2005-04-01 09:21:00
Home adjustments for Parkinson's
QUESTION: My mother has Parkinson's disease. What adjustments can be made to her home to boost her independence?
ANSWER: The special challenges resulting from a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease often mean making adjustments to one's lifestyle and home, particularly as the disease progresses. But with a little help, individuals with Parkinson's may continue to enjoy the independent lifestyle they choose. Family, friends and community-based services can all be valuable resources in assisting those with Parkinson's with their daily activities and helping ensure a safe, healthy home environment.While there is no cure for Parkinson's at this time, doctors, patients and caregivers experienced with the disease have learned to manage it using various lifestyle modifications that take into account the unique characteristics of Parkinson's. Learning more about Parkinson's disease can help identify ways to improve quality of life for those affected. Changes in physical abilities mean that objects such as rugs, decorative tables and electrical cords can become dangerous tripping hazards when movement becomes limited or stiff. Learning to recognize these home safety hazards and helping remove them enhances in-home safety. Maintaining good nutrition is especially important for those with Parkinson's in sustaining energy and countering some of the effects of Parkinson's, such as sleep disturbances or poor digestion. Having someone provide assistance in preparing a few meals a week can help when energy is flagging or symptoms make meal preparation difficult.Getting enough exercise is also vital in maintaining balance, mobility and flexibility. Walking, gardening or other exercises can be done as recommended by health care professionals. A caregiver can help fill in the gaps and complete tasks that are difficult. Having another person around to lend a steady hand or assist with range-of-motion exercises can give the individual the confidence to keep moving, too. Taking medication on time is crucial in dealing with the disease. After discussing the schedule with a doctor, a caregiver can set up a reminder system for pills, even if it's just to have someone place a reminder call or hand them to the person at the same time every day. Keeping up with doctors' appointments is equally important, and options are readily available when Parkinson's symptoms interfere with driving or taking public transportation to get to them.Finally, a few hours of in-home supportive care can help an individual with Parkinson's accomplish fine motor and light housework activities such as dusting, laundry and personal grooming that may be hindered by symptoms. Whatever the individual's needs, in-home supportive care is a viable option that can be tailored to specific abilities and budget to maintain a secure, independent lifestyle.