| Joseph P. Galichia, MD is the founder and Medical Director of the Galichia Medical Group, PA. He is an internationally recognized pioneer in the field of interventional cardiology. In the 70's, Dr. Galichia studied in Zurich, Switzerland with the inventors of the balloon angioplasty technique for treating heart disease. As a result of his experience, he was able to bring this historic technique back to the United States where he was one of the first physicians to perform coronary angioplasty here. A noted medical spokesman, he appears on a weekly Newstalk segment on KWCH Channel 12 and has a weekly syndicated radio talk show on KNSS 1330 AM every Saturday live from 11:00 am to noon. Dr. Galichia may be contacted by sending an e-mail to service@galichia.com |
Health & Medicine
2005-11-01 16:19:00
Allergies and asthma attacks
: I have asthma and I've been told that there are certain things that I should avoid that might make my asthma worse. Can you explain what they might be?
ANSWER: Yes, there are many things that cause asthma attacks, such as pollen, dust and mold. Here are some ways that you may stay clear of them. If you have asthma and are allergic to pollen, dust, mites, animal dander or mold, exposure to these things may cause asthma symptoms.Pollen - microscopic male cells of flowering plants that travel through the air to fertilize other plants. People with pollen allergy, often referred to as hayfever, may experience sneezing, congestion, runny nose, itchy mouth, throat, eyes and ears. The pollen season generally lasts from February or March through October. To reduce your exposure to pollen keep your house and car windows closed, use a/c as needed, don't hang sheets or clothing outside to dry as pollen may collect on them and be brought into the house. Avoid mowing the lawn and being around freshly cut grass and, in addition, limit your outside activities in the early morning when the pollen levels are the highest.Dust mites - these microscopic creatures live around the house and can cause stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, coughing or wheezing. Dust might thrive on moist warm air, so keep the humidity in your home below 50%. Dust often with a clean cloth and have upholstery and carpet cleaned weekly. Animal dander - many people are allergic to the protein in the saliva, dander or urine of animals with fur or feathers. These allergies can cause sneezing, wheezing, itchy or runny nose, itchy or swollen eyes or throat. The most effective way to avoid these allergies is not to have a pet at all or to keep the pet outdoors. It is possible to enjoy pets but only if they are not allowed in your house. Molds - mold can grow on wet surfaces and cause a skin rash, other allergic symptoms, and may be the cause of some serious illnesses. Frequent cleaning, where molds can grow, such as bathrooms and other wet surfaces may help to prevent this problem. Basement, shower curtains, and other moist areas must be cleaned frequently. There are also many irritants in the air, such as smog, air pollution, and other toxic substances including tobacco smoke, which may make asthma worse. Air quality index is a good indicator of air pollution. The ozone alert may also help warn of increased asthma risks. Staying indoors may help to prevent problems. Strong odors and exposure to the cold air may precipitate asthma as well. If you have asthma, being aware of allergens and irritants in your area, may diminish asthma attacks and decrease their severity.