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Dr Nabil Seyam
Dr. Nabil Seyam is director of the Board of Administration of the Islamic Society of Wichita and Co-Founder of the Annoor Islamic School. He was the recipient of the Leader of the Year in 2002 in Wichita and most recently was the recipient of the Community Servant Award by the University United Methodist Church in 2003. Dr. Seyam was selected for the Community Servant Award because of his active role in peace-building and multiculturalism throughout Kansas. He is an adjunct instructor for Pittsburg State University and Wichita State University. He is married and has six children. He can be reached at (316) 630-9222 , by e-mail at nabil@seyam.org, or visit his website at www.seyam.org
2006-03-30 14:20:00
Is oral sex between a husband & wife a sin?
: I understand that adultery and sex outside of marriage are serious sins, but is oral sex between a husband and wife a sin...or a serious sin?  Is masturbation
QUESTION: I understand that adultery and sex outside of marriage are serious sins, but is oral sex between a husband and wife a sin...or a serious sin?  Is masturbation a sin...or a serious sin?
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