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Ed Martin
Ed Martin is owner of Healthy Choices, Inc. of Wichita. Ed has been involved in the energy and health fields for over 30 years, focusing on pioneering new technologies and bringing cutting-edge products and services to the marketplace. You can reach Ed at; 316-207-7343, or by e-mail at healthychoices1@cox.net
Health & Wellness
2006-09-01 16:04:00
Improving ‘cellular communication’
QUESTION: I read your column last month. I am different from others. I am initially more interested in exactly how nanotechnology works than the benefits derived. This "cell communication" thing is intriguing. Can you tell me what happens during the process? I suppose it is possible to get the cells to communicate, but how can you control what they're saying? What if they get to "talking" about doing bad things?
ANSWER: Your question is a good one because it gets to the definition of cellular communication.  In our world today, communication is critical, and many of the world’s problems are due to failures in communication.  Poor communication leads to conflicts:  people against people and even countries against countries.  Luckily that sort of problem does not exist when we are talking about cellular communication within our bodies.  Cells can’t get together and “talk about doing bad things.”
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