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Terry Fox
Reverend Terry G. Fox is Senior Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church. He is Chairman of the North American Mission Board, member of its Executive Committee and the FamilyNet Broadcast Communications Committee, as well as numerous other subcommittees. He's listed on the Who's Who Among Outstanding Corporate Executives. He is a sought after speaker and has traveled and ministered in many places in the United States, Latin America and Southeast Asia. Rev. Fox and his wife Barbara have three children. You may contact him at Immanuel Baptist Church, 1415 South Topeka, Wichita, Kansas, 67211; phone (316) 262-1452; or Fax (316) 262-4704.
2002-04-01 13:45:00
In heaven... will everyone be treated the same?
Question: In heaven, is there any difference in the way people are treated? For instance, will those who have lived exemplary lives be treated better than those who did not?
Answer:  This is a difficult question for two reasons. First, the Bible gives very little description of life in heaven; probably because we could not understand it. Second, Christianity differs from all other religions in the qualifications for heaven. We do not qualify for heaven by being good. All are born with a fatal spiritual disease, a rebel attitude toward God that shows itself as selfishness, greed, lust, dishonesty, etc. The Bible calls this "sin". I must acknowledge my helpless sinful condition, repent of living "my way" and shutting God out of my thoughts and choices, and accept the sacrifice of Christ as payment for the penalty for my sin. Then I am accepted as a child of God just as though I had the righteousness of Christ. And I don't expect to spend eternity with a bunch of people who think they deserve to be there, when I know I don't. We will all know that we are there by the grace of a loving God.Your question was, "Will some be treated better because they lived better lives?" It makes us ask, "How could some be treated better than others, considering the basis for our being there?" There are hints in Scripture of rewards (Matt. 5:12). Jesus urged people to "lay up treasures in heaven" (Matt.5:19-21). Five times in the Epistles the apostles promise "crowns" at the return of Christ for deeds done. But surely this will not be a ranking system where some can be proud and others envious! Bigger mansions! Better medals! Sounds too much like earth's society!Let me hazard a possible explanation. Maybe those barred from heaven cannot come because it would not be heaven for them; they couldn't survive. It would be like taking a fish from a filthy river and placing it in a palace. It doesn't have the lungs for it. The Bible tells us that when one becomes a Christian, he or she receives a new nature, is "born anew" (John3:3), is "regenerated" (Titus 3:5), "becomes a new creation" (II Cor. 5:21), is "born of the Spirit"(John3:8), etc. This spiritual child could survive heaven and grow.  Without this, one can neither obey, understand nor please God. Perhaps the reward is the ability to enjoy the presence of God and the wonders of heaven. Then rewards would result from what we have truly become as we live in trusting obedience and loving service to God and man. We would feel at home in heaven.
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