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Dr John Click
Dr. John Click, has been the Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church for 27 years now he is the pastor emeritus. He’s a graduate of Baylor University with a BA and Southwestern Seminary with a BD. He received his DMin at Midwestern Seminary. He has served in numerous positions in the Southern Baptist Convention, including: President of the Kansas/Nebraska Convention, Executive Committee of SBC, North American Mission Board, International Mission Board, and Houston Baptist University Board. He has traveled to preach in Europe, Central and South America and the Far East. Dr. Click is the founder and first President of Harvest Communications, which is a TV production company specializing in producing teaching materials for Para- Church organizations. You may contact him for comments or questions by e-mail at: Jcclick99@aol.com.
2007-03-01 11:38:00
Is having a few drinks sinful?
My husband drinks three beers before and with dinner, and sometimes wine also. I was raised to believe that using alcohol is not part of God's plan; but my husband says I am wrong, and that it is totally okay. Can you help me understand what God expects of us with regard to alcohol use?
The Bible never prohibits alcoholic drinks. Wine drinking was common in Old and New Testament days. Jesus drank wine, as did almost everyone in the Near East. Clean water was scarce, as it was in Europe until the 19th century; wine had enough alcohol to kill germs. However, wine was generally "cut" 50% with water; in Biblical terminology undiluted wine was referred to as "strong drink". Constantly, drunkenness was warned against in the Bible. So moderation was the Jewish and Christian standard. How is the situation different today? First, clean water is commonly available. Second, drinks available today are strong compared to those of earlier days. Distillation was invented rather recently permitting whiskey to be made. Cocktails are lethal compared to wine. Whiskey can have 50% alcohol while wine is usually less than 20%. Beer is similar but is usually taken in much larger quantities. Also, the automobile changed the situation. The horse was always sober and knew the way home. Autos need all the skill and attention one can provide. Drinking (not necessarily drunken) drivers kill hundreds in the USA daily! You probably know some victims. So while the Bible does not call for prohibition, the Biblical principle of concern for the welfare of our neighbor, our children and our self still applies. Alcoholism is easy to acquire and hard to quit. Liquor is costly in any form, and danger is always present. Your family was wise in choosing to live without it; mine has done the same. Three beers before dinner and wine with dinner is certainly on the edge of "excessive". Your children are watching. Who will they be drinking with...and how soon? Will they be able to handle alcohol without danger of alcoholism? Can you? But this is a question of wisdom rather than of a rule. I pray that your husband will discuss this with you and understand your concern for him and for your children. Is he a Christian? How does this affect his witness and influence?
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