| Greg Feldman is Co- Owner of Always There Senior Care in Wichita. He moved from rural Western Kansas in 1979 to Wichita where he attended Butler County Community College and graduated in 1983 with an Associate Degree in Nursing and in 1996 he graduated from Kansas Newman University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. After several years of intensive care nursing at Via Christie St Francis he left to accept a consulting position with Procter and Gamble in the long term care industry for ten years. The past 8 years have been spent in the Pharmaceutical Sales. Since becoming Co-Owner of Always There Senior Care in 1986, he is responsible for the day to day operations and directing attendant care services and care givers in homes of seniors. Greg Feldman can be reached at 316-946-9222 or on the internet at www.alwaysthereusa.com. You can email Greg at mail@alwaysthereusa.com. |
Senior Living
2007-04-01 16:42:00
Assisting independent seniors
My aging parents are in need of assistance to maintain their independence and stay in their home. Are services available to assist them and how do we access a reputible company?
ANSWER: There are a variety of services available to assist needs that arise for the senior population to allow them to remain at home. It is estimated that in 2007, 12.5 percent of the United States population is over the age of 65. For 2007, Kansas is estimated to have 13 percent of its population in that same range. According to the National Census Bureau, the number of citizens 65 years of age is expected to increase even more due to the aging baby boomers. With this increase in the senior population, people need to be informed about their options so that the best decisions can be made for the client and the family members.
There are professionals and organizations that can assist you with information about these services. These include, but are not limited to, registered nurses, hospital and home health social services, Kansas Department on Aging, and the Alzheimer’s Association. The Kansas Department on Aging publishes a yearly report of Exploring Your Options, which lists many local care providers, who can be contacted directly.
When choosing in-home care, some features should be considered. First, interview the company with questions such as: What is the background of the ownership or management? Are the companions or caregivers bonded, insured, and have criminal backgrounds been checked? These are important considerations that are not always thought about when hiring an individual to provide attendant care. It is a big step to place care in the hands of strangers, and all safety considerations should be addressed. Now for the care aspect, choose a company that provides flexibility and is there when you need them. Services can be provided from 1 to 24 hours a day, depending on the company. Respite care should be considered for the family caregiver so that they do not become ill from the stress of constant exposure and no relief.
Many times a loved one is moved out of the home because the children, as the caregivers, don’t know where to turn for help. Services such as grocery delivery and meal preparation can help with nutritional deficiency, bathing and grooming can assist with good hygiene, transportation to and from appointments can provide a liaison and free up the need for missed work, and medication reminders can assist with on time schedules and avoid missed doses. Companion sitting from 1 to 24 hours can assist with all the activities of daily living or to allow the primary family caregiver time away. Light housekeeping allows for a clean, safe environment in which to live. Make sure to have a list of services for your caregivers and they will try to provide the best assistance for your loved ones to stay at home. Many of these Attendant Care Services are provided along with home health and hospice care. Home health and hospice provide skilled services by RN’s, LPN’s, and home health aides in shorter intervals of time. The most difficult part of any process is getting started. Make sure that you have explored all your options before making such an important decision.