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Pam Pirotte
Pam Pirotte was raised in Wichita and received her Masters in Nursing from WSU. She was a nursing educator as well as a bedside nurse until 1986, when care in the home became her focus. Pam considers this the most rewarding field available to nursing personnel. The relationships are positive and precious. “People appreciate us for keeping them in their own homes.” Pam lives with her husband, donkeys, ducks, chickens, geese, goats, dogs and cats, near Leon, Kansas. Saint Raphael Home Care is located at 903 West 18th, Wichita, KS 67203, and Pam can be reached at 316-269-5400.
Senior Living
2008-04-01 12:10:00
Colds and the flu
Question: Is it just me or has this been one of the worst cold & flu seasons? And what are some thing’s I can do to help from getting ill?
Answer: What Can You Do to Prevent a Cold? • Stop smoking. Smokers are terribly vulnerable to respiratory infections of every kind. • Colds are extremely difficult to prevent entirely. The following suggestions may help: -Avoid close contact with people who have a cold, especially during the first few days when they are most likely to spread the infection. -Wash your hands after touching someone who has a cold, after touching an object they have touched, and after blowing your own nose. -Keep your fingers away from your nose and your eyes to avoid infecting yourself with cold virus particles that you may have picked up from doorknobs, counter tops, etc. -Put up a second hand towel in the bathroom for healthy people to use when sharing space with someone who is ill. -Adjust the humidity in your home so that your sinuses don’t dry out. Dry air actually puts a person at risk to develop a respiratory infection. -Do not inflict your cold on others! Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue away and wash your hands. Use your sleeve at the elbow to muffle mouth and nose. This area never sees contact with others. Stay away from people who are most vulnerable, including anyone who has asthma or another chronic lung disease. • You should NOT get the flu shot if… -You are allergic to eggs or any component of the vaccination. -You have a history of Guillain-Barre Syndrome. -You have an acute illness and a fever. -You should not get a flu shot until you are getting better. • Alternative/Natural Ways to Prevent and Treat Colds & Flu •When you’re in the midst of the flu, besides plenty of rest, fluids, and good nutrition, there are some additional alternative medicine approaches that some experts recommend. -Noted alternative practitioner Andrew Weil suggests daily doses of vitamin C, garlic, Echinacea and the herb astragalus, to help boost the immune system during flu season. -Italian researchers also found that ginseng, when given throughout the season to people who had flu shots, reduced the cases of flu, and raised the activity rate of immune cells that fight infections. • The most often recommended treatment is a natural product known as Sambucol, which is Elderberry Extract. -Elderberry apparently works by strengthening the cell membrane so a virus cannot penetrate it. It also appears to inhibit the enzyme that viruses use to weaken the membrane. • The other highly recommended natural treatment is Vitamin C. Some experts believe that as much as 1 to 6 grams of Vitamin C per day may help reduce the duration of flu virus. The suggested dosage would be 1000 mg every 2 hours, unless diarrhea or indigestion occurs. • Other key natural remedies for flu include: -Zinc Lozenges – Over-the-counter zinc lozenges can help reduce the effects of a flu or cold. -Vitamin A – Some experts recommend 25,000 IU four times daily for at least three but not more than five days during the acute phase of flu or colds (provided you weigh at least 120 pounds and do not have a liver problem). -Garlic – Garlic has natural antibiotic effects, and some experts suggest ten capsules a day of a high allicin content garlic in the first six hours of symptoms, to diminish duration and severity. -Echinacea – Take the maximum recommended dose when symptoms are acute. -Olive Leaf Extract – Can help combat a flu or virus.
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