| Teri McThompson is the owner of Splash Pool & Patio in Pittsburg, KS. She has 10 years previous experience before opening Splash Pool & Patio in 2002. She has a Bachelor of Science in Technology from Pittsburg State University. Location is 802 S Broadway. For more information call 620-232-1580 or splashpoolandpatio.com. |
Pool & patio
2011-07-01 10:51:00
Pool maintenance
Question: I need to replace my filter for my pool, what options do I have?
Answer: There are three types of filters that are used in swimming pools to remove dirt and debris they are sand, cartridge, Diatomaceous Earth (DE).
With sand filters dirt is removed by “backwashing” or reversing the water flow. The filter should be backwashed when the pressure gauge indicates a 8-10lbs increase over normal operating pressure, (this is the pressure indicated on the pressure gauge when the filter is completely clean). Sand filters are more efficient when they are slightly dirty consequently they should only be backwashed when required by the increase in pressure. Sand filters should be cleaned a least every season with a filter cleaner/degreaser.
With cartridge filters dirt needs to also be removed from the filter when the pressure gauge indicates an increase of 8-10lbs over normal operation pressure. Remove the cartridge(s) from the filter and hose off all loose dirt and debris. Then soak the element(s) and in a cleaner for at least 12 hours. Then hose elements off to prevent any foaming of the chemicals. This will remove all oils and greases imbedded in the filter element. To avoid any “down time” for the circulation or filtration systems, it is advisable to purchase a second set of cartridge elements so they may be interchanged on a regular basis with the first set.
Like sand, the DE filter is cleaned by backwashing the filter when the pressure increases 8-10lbs. However, once the filter has been backwashed, new DE must be added to coat the grids in the filter. This is accomplished by pouring DE through the skimmer. To cut oils and other natural oil build-up, DE filter grids should be cleaned at least once every season using a filter cleaner/degreaser.
The best filtration for particles in your water is the DE filter it filters out particles and algae as small as 3 to 4 microns. Cartridge filters filter out particles between 10 and 30 microns and sand filters filter out particles between 20 and 100 microns.
However, the most common filter for an above ground pool is the sand filter and is the most affordable. As an alternative you can apply an all natural Zeolite mineral instead of sand to your sand filter and that filters particles up to 3 microns. Remember to always consult a pool professional with any questions on your filtration needs.