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Lisa Vermillion
Lisa Vermillion is President and co-owner of Get Fit Bee Fit and Thin and Healthy Weight Management. Lisa opened Get Fit- 4 years ago in Valley Center, after receiving certifications thorough the American Council on Exercise as a Weight and Lifestyle Management Consultant and Certified Personal Trainer. In January, she Grand Opened Thin and Healthy Weight Management in the same location. Lisa not only provides weight loss programs for individuals but she also implements business wellness programs for small businesses and large corporations. Additionally, Lisa is a Certified Life Coach providing guidance for individuals in the areas of career, relationship and personal development. She is available for speaking engagements in the areas of Physical Fitness, Weight Management, or any Life Coaching area (goal setting, positive attitude, sales, etc). Lisa can be reached for questions or speaking engagements by phone (316) 755-1115 or email at mvmillion@yahoo.com
Diet & Nutrition
2012-08-02 09:54:28
What really is "mindset?"
Q- It seems like you hear it more than ever. What does "mindset"really mean?
A- Mindset refers to the way you choose to view life. Your thoughts about circumstances, relationships, work, money and spirituality determine your life’s quality. Many of your values, characteristics, and thought processes are patterned after your parents. Some of your views may differ from the environment you grew up in, because you’ve chosen to adapt a different philosophy. Sometimes patterns are easily recognizable, like the way you phrase something and immediately hear your mother’s voice in your words. Sometimes though, these patterns aren’t as easy to see. Patterns either lean toward a scarcity mindset or abundance mindset. Your life will reflect whichever mindset you choose. Defining patterns, deciding if they are right for you, and changing any patterns that don’t give you your desired outcome will enable you to move forward. Defining patterns is not always easy. Patterns are so entrenched in your brain, that you may not even question them. Decisions about money, relationships, and leisure activities are based on these patterns. Think about the conversations that took place in your home as a child. Were the conversations based around positivity and gain or negativity and lack. One specific example is your view about money. Think about the conversations about money in your home growing up. Perhaps you heard, “We can’t afford it”, or “Money doesn’t grow on trees”. Perhaps no one discussed money at all. On the other hand, you may have heard, “Let’s put that into our budget” or “Let’s figure out a way to make that happen”. Those conversations or lack thereof, create your current beliefs about money and in part, even determine your bank balance. Since beliefs determine actions, your actions either keep you mired in debt or propel you toward comfortable living. The same is true for your relationships. Did you grow up believing constant conflict is an enviable part of relationships, or did you learn necessary communication skills that help you build solid relationships? Looking at your thought patterns facilitates questioning your habitual thinking, the necessary first step in challenging your long-held patterns. Deciding if your current thought patterns are right for you at this point in your life is the next step. As an adult, you can decide what beliefs you keep and which you discard. If your goals seem out of reach or your relationship seems stuck; it’s time to decide what patterns contribute to your current position. This requires accepting responsibility for where you are at this point. Circumstances exist in all cases, what you do with those circumstances is your choice. There is example after example of people who have overcome poverty, abuse, Defining thought patterns, deciding if they are right for you now, and then switching from a scarcity to an abundance mindset by challenging those beliefs and taking positive action lets you attain the quality of life you want.
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