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Jeanie Erwin
2012-08-30 08:17:30
Know your local canidate Part 1
On November 6th our country will once again be allowed to exercise our freedom, and right to vote in the 2012 election. As always, we are striving to differentiate ourselves from other media outlets, educating and informing readers and providing information that touches them personally, in their daily lives. All rhetoric aside, we want to dive deep into the issues that matter to you, the voter. In that effort, we recently sat down with State Representative candidate Michelle Hucke, to gather a little insight into her foundational qualities, beliefs, stances, and overall outlook on life. We can do the same with any and all candidates. Now...we introduce you to Michelle Hucke.
Q&A Times: Who, exactly is Michelle Hucke? What political office are you running for and what drew you to this? Hucke: I grew up in Southeast Kansas. At an early age, I watched my father, Tom, become the Labette County Sheriff (a job he held for over 16 years), and the first sparks of my desire to be in public service glinted in my eyes. I regard my father as a true servant of the people of Kansas. He has always sacrificed himself for the good of those around him, coming to the aid of those in need. He is a confident, unwavering man who always stands up for what he believes, and I truly admire that. That is the kind of public servant I will be. My passion, drive and good-natured sense of humor are valuable assets that will aid me as a representative for my fellow Kansans. But it’s my unwavering refusal to compromise the needs and desires of the people that seal the deal. As a professional, I am energetic and driven by my passion to ensure success. When I believe in something, I latch on and have a compulsion to see it through to the end, even if that means losing sleep because I am thinking about it 24/7 – whatever it takes. As an active member of the community, I encounter the joys and even the pain of the people in the third district on a daily basis. I understand and identify with the hardships people are facing. I know that many of us are disillusioned by a government that has run amok with our hard-earned money, while people are struggling to pay their bills, keep a roof over their head and food on the table. Although, it has been a difficult journey, where we are now is NOT the destination. It is time to stop focusing on Southeast Kansas for what it is and starting seeing it for what it can become. Our future can be great and I know that, together, we can make a real difference for this area. My vision for SEK is a radiant one--and I want the people to be a part of it! Q&A Times: What differentiates you from other candidates? Mrs. Menghini and I couldn’t be more different. SEK cannot afford to re-elect one of the architects of a lost decade, only to have her follow her plan of reverting back to the type of failed policies that have created the economic recession that we are experiencing. People understand that experience is not earned from simply being present or from rubber stamping the agenda of another. We need representation that encourages less regulation, lower taxes, job growth, expansion of Highway 69, and more efficient education systems. Our State Representative must lead with the principles and values of a Southeast Kansan. This person must also recognize that healthcare decisions need to remain in the hands of the individual and whatever doctor they choose for themselves and his/her family. I AM that kind of servant and I need your help in getting elected… Join us next month as we dive into some of the more pressing topics and problem areas within SEK, along with a clear explanation of her proposed solutions. For more information please visit www.michellehucke.com or contact her directly at (620) 778-2220.
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