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Helen Cherry
Helen Cherry is the Director of Extremely Outrageous Creations located in Pittsburg.
Home Decorating
2013-06-25 09:39:15
What do you do if you want repurposed furniture but don’t want to do the repurposing?
Q-I really love the idea of repurposed and upcycled furniture and décor. The problem is, I do not have the time or talent to do it myself. Do you have simple ideas or ways to find pieces already done by another's skilled hands?
A-I love the idea of taking an object and giving it new life too, so I completely understand what you mean. Life is busy, and even though all of those pinterest pins on newly fashioned furniture are stunning, you do have to invest plenty of time in order to achieve the look. One option is choosing simple projects, such as using interesting old suitcases for bedside tables, or old footlockers for coffee tables. Another idea is to take drawers out of nightstands or dressers, add shelves, and then repaint. The work is minimal but the effect is major. Many of these ideas require minimal skill and time, and are perfect for people like us that love to love it, not necessarily do it. Another option is to source boutiques where they sell items of this nature. You can find so many interesting pieces of furniture that it will astound you. Online is another great place to look. You can add these items to your own efforts and complete your repurposing vision. The best part is, there is added interest when you include another's creation.
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