| Dr. Nabil Seyam is director of the Board of Administration of the Islamic Society of Wichita and Co-Founder of the Annoor Islamic School. He was the recipient of the Leader of the Year in 2002 in Wichita and most recently was the recipient of the Community Servant Award by the University United Methodist Church in 2003. Dr. Seyam was selected for the Community Servant Award because of his active role in peace-building and multiculturalism throughout Kansas. He is an adjunct instructor for Pittsburg State University and Wichita State University. He is married and has six children. He can be reached at (316) 630-9222 , by e-mail at nabil@seyam.org, or visit his website at www.seyam.org |
2003-05-01 11:29:00
Can one be 'saved' then lose it?
: I am certainly no theologian, but as I look at the different religions and their distinctive beliefs, it seems like one or the biggest controversies is whether or not one can be saved and then come back under judgement. I continue to be amazed at those who answer this question with a "no". I have yet to read anywhere in the Bible that once one is saved, they lose their free will. Free will allows a person to do what they want to do. Sometimes this is in accordance with God's law and sometimes it is not. I am more of a believer in the state you are in when you die is the state you will remain for all eternity. If you are in union with God, you will go to Heaven. If you are not, you will go to Hell. I welcome your answer.
ANSWER: God created us for one main reason, to worship him. Worshipping God comes in many different forms, such as, praying, fasting, giving charity; and you are also in a state of worship through treating others kindly, honoring your parents, neighbors, relatives, etc. Many people claim that they are believers or follow a specific faith; however, when it comes to practicing the faith, only few are. Prophet Mohammad stated in his saying that, "any person that has an atom weight of a grain of faith in his heart will enter heaven." The price of heaven is not cheap as many people think. To enter heaven you must pass the test of this life. In Islam, both deeds and faith must go together. In other religions it is enough to believe that you are saved, therefore, you are guaranteed heaven. If we would investigate the life of all messengers and prophets of God, we would notice that all of them worshiped God explicitly. They were pious and humble. Their belief and action were parallel. When an individual claims that he/she is guaranteed heaven there is no more meaning for this life, nor is there an incentive to do good. Many religions claim that their religion is the path to heaven. Therefore, many of us will die on a different state. Yes, it is true, the state you are in when you die is the state in which you will remain for all eternity. If you are in union with "GOD, the one GOD" you will go to heaven. If you are not, you will go to hell.