| Wess Galyon is President and Chief Executive Office of the Wichita Area Builders Association which is the largest building industry trade association in the state of Kansas. He has been with the Association in this capacity since 1986 and represents the interests of builders and associates from his local association. Wess can be reached at his office, 316-265-4226. For more information, go to www.wabahome.com. |
Home Improvement
2002-05-01 08:53:00
The 2003 Home Show
: It's that time of year again... the Home Show. What's new this year and what will we see at the Show?
ANSWER: The Wichita Area Builders Association (WABA) kicks off its annual Home Show event on Thursday, February 6, 2003, at Century II Convention Center. Home Show 2003 is the 49th show for WABA, and will feature over 250 different booths representing a wide variety of interior and exterior home products and services. Once again a "sell out" event, exhibits will represent home products and services for virtually every aspect of a home, from floors to ceilings, interiors and exteriors including outdoor living, decorating and improving, constructing and remodeling and more.The Home Show is an excellent one-stop-shop for a lot of different companies that are in the business of home products and services. Exhibitors will showcase their newest products during the Show. Consumers attending the Show can compare products and conduct research right at the Show without feeling pressured.The primary objective of the Wichita Area Builders Association is to work toward providing quality, affordable housing and homeownership for the greatest number of people possible. The Association strives to promote a better understanding between the industry and the general public in regard to housing issues and acts as a liaison between the building industry and all levels of government whose actions impact efforts to maintain housing affordability.Homeownership strengthens the social fabric of the nation. By encouraging civic participation and involvement in schools and communities and inspiring the upkeep and improvement of the home, homeownership fosters good citizenship.The Home Show opens February 6 and runs through February 9, 2003 at Century II Convention Center. Check the ad in this publication for hours and admission costs. Remember, there is free parking and shuttle bus service from Lawrence Dumont Stadium. Whether you're considering building, remodeling or redecorating, Home Show 2003 is the place to be.