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Sebastian Guthery
The Tanning Shack is located in Augusta at 404 E. State St, and is owned by Brian and Paul Self, along with partner Sebastian Guthery. Acquired in January 2003, the team has worked hard to furnish customers with the most modern, updated tanning salon experience available complete with a massage therapist and themed tanning rooms. You can reach this innovative team at (316) 775-1444.
Health & Wellness
2004-02-01 09:12:00
How does water affect my skin?
Sebastian Guthery Question: I know you are supposed to drink a lot of water for good health. Can you tell me how water consumption affects my skin?Answer: Your skin retains water within its natural oils to help the oils maintain an ordered structure around each skin cell. Each skin cell is surrounded by a variety of different natural oils that, together with the skin cells, help form the acid mantle or barrier in the skin. Water helps increase the flexibility of the oils they can surround the cells to maintain an adequate skin barrier.During cold winter months, your skin's ability to make natural oils for the stratum corneum is greatly reduced. Research has shown there is a decrease in the production of natural oils when skin is exposed to cold temperatures. If the skin is not producing enough natural oil, you can help heal it by adding oils.There are a number of wonderful moisturizers on the market, some that contain varying levels of oil. But don't let the word oil fool you into thinking you will break out after using the products. The companies offering these wonderful additions are incorporating exotic oils such as macadamia, sweet almond, avocado and hemp seed oil to provide you with a proven, quality product without the grease that can clog pores or cause acne.Used for more than 3,000 years, alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) help to improve the condition of skin. Scientists are unsure if AHAs affect the structure of the natural oils or the proteins, but they know that AHAs increase the flexibility of the skin. With continued use, skin treated with AHAs becomes softer, more supple with improved color.Some moisturizers, will contain a low level (less than 1 percent) of AHAs to generate good moisturization in the skin. A moisturizer with a high level (greater than 1 percent) of AHAs will decrease the melanogenesis process, causing you to lose color.
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