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Derek Gann
Derek Gann has been with the Coleman Company for 5 years. He is a graduate of West High and is currently working on a Major in Industrial Engineering at Butler County Community College. Derek enjoys spending time outdoors either boating or active in sports. You can reach Derek at 264-0836.
2004-03-01 16:02:00
When can kids start camping?
ANSWER:  Kids love to learn and kids love to be outdoors. Nature is one of the best places to teach children. There are so many amazing things to see and do. Imagine the excitement of a child when they spot a deer or other type of wildlife, their enthusiasm to locate items on a hike or scavenger hunt, or the anticipation of catching their own fish! What about the creativity they have with leaves, sticks, pinecones etc. when doing outdoor crafts? The outdoors is also a good place for them to learn life lessons such as teamwork, self confidence and self worth, awareness, innovation and the respect for nature and others to name a few. A lot of quality time can be spent with your children in the outdoors.Camping with children can bring you back to the simplicity of nature. It increases your awareness of your surroundings and can refresh your appreciation for the many things that often go unnoticed. So many things are learned and experienced for the first time each day in the life of a child. Patience is almost unavoidable. It is so important to take the time to enjoy the journey of these new experiences with your child. In nature there are many amazing things to discover. Camping can be a wonderful adventure. Just think- birds and animals, plants and trees, the rocks, the streams and ponds, the insects, the sounds, the weather, the wildflowers, and the many activities that can provide so much. By planning successful, enjoyable camping trips when your children are young, you will set them on the path to a lifetime of outdoor adventures.  Getting the kids interested in the trip by having them involved, builds their excitement and anticipation. Plan the camping trip together: • Decide where to go; consider interests, outdoor experience and children's ages. • Plan and shop for meals. • Prepare and pack the equipment and supplies. • Try a backyard campout before you go for the first time. • Teach the kids how to set-up a tent. • Try some outdoor cooking. • Experience a night outdoors in sleeping bags. • Search the sky for constellations. • Listen to night sounds.  • Don't forget the special nighttime snacks. • Get them familiar with the outdoors in order to eliminate their fears. • Teach them about safety and to respect nature. Teach outdoor skills and ethics. • Let them collect firewood, fill water containers, hammer in tent stakes, camp cooking etc. Have contests for gathering the most kindling, best camp cooking, most organized gear, fastest clean-up etc. • Take a day hike in the woods.  • Go fishing. • Take an evening walk. • Read related books. • Go on a flashlight walk. Take the necessary gear and supplies:• Extra clothing and shoes--the kids will get wet and extremely dirty. • Warm clothing--it may get chilly especially in the evening/dress in layers. • Insect repellent--consider timed-release formulas. • Sunscreen--they'll be outside all day. • First aid kit--for those little accidents. • Rain gear--keep them dry and warm. • Toys, games, and activities--you want to keep them busy. • Familiar bedtime items--pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, dolls etc. • Flashlight/glow sticks--to help relieve nighttime fears. • Snacks--all this activity is going to make them hungry. • Drinks--avoid dehydration.
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