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Kevin Harp
Kevin Harp is a 1-ACT Approved colon Hydrotherapist and owner/operator of the Natural Healing Center. He has 15 years experience in Alternative Healing and Therapy. Kevin is also a Nutritional Consultant. The Natural Healing Center is located at 125 S. West St. Ste 121 in Wichita. You can contact them by calling (316) 942-0053 to schedule your free consultation.
Health & Wellness
2004-06-01 10:55:00
Feeling bad? What about ‘detox’?
ANSWER:  Understanding that our quality of life is determined by our daily choices, we have the power to improve our health and well being quickly and dramatically.  Optimum nutrition is a key factor, but our health depends not only on what nutrients we eat, but how much of those nutrients are absorbed and how well and regularly the body's waste products are eliminated. Any cleansing program should begin in the colon, the last portion of the digestive system.  The colon's job is to compact the chime, absorb water, and receive B-vitamins that are produced by healthy intestinal bacteria. We could actually compare the function of the colon in our bodies to a sewer system in a large city.  Just imagine for a second what would happen if the sewers in our area became clogged by some debris.  Undoubtedly, within a short time the whole neighborhood would be filled with filth and an unbearable stench.  This is the same process that occurs in our bodies when the elimination system is not functioning properly.  When the colon is clean and healthy, we experience an overall well-being.  When it is congested with stagnant waste, poisons back up into the system and pollute the inner environment.  This is called autointoxication or self-poisoning.If you experience any of the following symptoms, you may be experiencing autointoxication, and therefore should consider some type of internal cleansing program:• Allergy or intolerance to certain foods• Bad breath and foul-smelling gas and stools• Constipation, diarrhea, sluggish elimination, irregular bowel movements• Frequent congestion, colds, and viruses• Flatulence or gas and frequent intestinal disorders• Frequent headaches for no apparent reason• General aches and pains that migrate from one place to another• Intolerance to fatty foods• Low energy; loss of vitality for no apparent reason• Lower back pain• Lowered resistance to infections• Needing to sleep a long time• Pain in your liver or gallbladder• Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), breast soreness, vaginal infections• Skin problems, rashes, boils, pimples, and acneIf you have severe symptoms or any serious disorders, seek the attention of a competent health care provider.  The above list is only meant to indicate some symptoms of autointoxication.  Anyone who has been on a Standard American Diet for more than two years would benefit from periodic cleansing. Many have been led to believe that the cleansing/detoxification process is the missing link in Western nutrition and one of the keys to real healing.  Many people have been transformed from persistent illness to greatly improved health and vitality.There is always hope and with the proper use of cleansing and detoxification we can maintain health and vitality, even as we age.
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