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Susan Friend
Susan Friend is Owner/Operator of Between Friends, a specialty gift boutique for 4 years. After graduating from WSU with a major in Sociology, Susan worked for Senior Services in Wichita with the Meals on Wheels program. Susan and her husband, Jason Stuhlsatz share their home with their "kids", two Collies; Jenny Lee and Cleo. You can contact Susan @ (316) 685-2240 or @ 8336 E 21st St. Siute 600.
Specialty Gifts
2004-08-01 09:19:00
Planning a party to please all
ANSWER: Parties, affairs, galas, special get togethers... different names for special events which all require plenty to eat and drink. Like all good hosts, you want to provide your guests with food and drink they'll enjoy. Beverages, what should you buy? Nothing is better than knowing exactly what your guests like. But if not, it is suggested that you try the following:At a stand-up party, most people choose a white wine, with red a distant second. If you are buying six bottles of wine for guests get two bottles of Chardonnay and impress them with two bottles of German Kabinett, one bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot will cover all bases. Merlots have become very popular in the last couple of years!With so many microbrews coming out, it's fun to offer different types of beer. Provide a small amount of bigger bodied beer (Ale, Bock, Porter, Stout). The rest should be lighter beer (Domestic, Lager, Pils, Pilsener).Sodas and waters appeal to guests of all ages. Provide a variety to satisfy the designated drivers in your group. Cola and root beer are always favorites (pick up some caffeine free sodas too), and don't forget sparkling and still waters.It is suggested that for every 20 adults you should have the following:  Office Party  Sit-Down   Stand-up  Dinner partyWine btls.  6  10  10750 ml. btls.Beer  6  6  106-pkSoda/Water  4  6  86-pk
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