| Dr. Kevin Darden graduated Cum Laude from the Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City in 1999 and began his practice in Derby, later moving to Wichita. His primary emphasis is Sacral/Iliac, upper cervical, lumbar disc thinning, and mid-thoracic. In addition, Dr. Darden has a major focus on education for pain prevention. Well known as the "Teaching Doctor", he believes the only way for lasting relief from chronic pain is patient education. He has practiced this concept for the last six years, becoming proficient at determining the causes of specific pain from treating thousands of patients through: Thompson Technique, Diversified, Gonstead, and Acupuncture. Currently, the Director of the Sedgwick County Kansas Chiropractic Association, Dr. Darden can be seen hosting his television program FEEL BETTER, LIVE BETTER, PLAY BETTER, found on channel 49. In addition, Dr. Darden gives lectures at his office location @ 5119 E. Kellogg Dr. and scheduling may be obtained by calling 316-685-0020 . |
Chiropractic Care
2005-04-01 10:50:00
Knuckle cracking cause arthritis?
ANSWER: I was told as well that popping my knuckles would cause arthritis. I believe my 6th grade math teacher thought it was annoying. The popping sound is the release of nitrogen gas that is produced from synovial fluid inside the joint capsule. There is no research that indicates the release of this nitrogen gas causes arthritis, but can change the propioceptive activity of the joint. There is a right and wrong way to adjust the fingers. Bending our fingers forward until the "pop" is heard is absolutely the wrong way. Can it cause arthritis? That's unknown.Each joint in the body is enclosed in a fibrous capsule and this capsule houses the synovial fluid. The synovial fluid is the grease inside a joint. It lubricates the joint and prevents arthritis. As we age, the muscles shorten due to either constant repetitive movement or lack of movement. Unfortunately the shortening of the muscles pushes the grease (synovial fluid) outside of the joint into the capsule. This lack of grease allows the joint to be compromised causing arthritis because the bones have approximated each other. Meaning, the bones are not protected by the grease and allows the bones to rub on each other. The definition of arthritis is "inflammation of the joint". The bones rubbing on each other cause the inflammation. It is important to learn how to properly prevent and reduce arthritis in the hands by doing specific exercises. Patients report significant improvement within 2-3 weeks if the exercises are done daily. The exercises take only about 2-3 minutes per day.Now to answer part two of your question, "How can going to a Chiropractor be a good thing?" Humans have many habits (sleeping on stomach or pulling one leg up, sitting on leg, slouching, talking on the phone, standing on one leg, etc.), these habits cause our bodies to adapt. Trauma also causes adaptation. This adaptation causes muscle strengths and weaknesses that cause our spine to distort until it can no longer adapt, which causes pain. The distortion of the spine causes the synovial fluid (grease) to be squeezed out of the joints of the spine. Chiropractors are very perceptive in identifying adaptations and habits. Adjusting the spine corrects several things including allowing the synovial fluid back into the joint. It also reduces muscle spasms. In chiropractic medicine, patients are taught to identify the cause of the problem, why the problem is causing pain, and how to prevent it by practicing exercises to restore function to the involved area. This is the only way to achieve success. If the patient never learns the cause, they will always have pain, no matter how many treatments, medications, or surgeries they have. Patients who receive treatment and perform the exercises respond very well. Chiropractors see the same habitual problems every day, allowing them to recognize pain causing symptoms quickly and determine the best care for the patient, therefore reducing chronic pain.