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Pam Larkin
Pam Larkin is owner and operator of Lola’s Sports’ Bar & Grill, 3930 W. Douglas, Wichita. Although Pam has always loved sports of all kinds, they took on a new importance when she met and married Ray Larkin in 1995. Ray was one of Wichita’s best baseball catchers. After playing in high school, he had a chance to sign with the New York Giants with a $2,500 signing bonus, but his high school basektball coach (Herm Bachrodt) talked him into getting an education first. He played catcher for the Univiversity of Wichita, and many summers for the Boeing Bo-Jets, until an ankle injury ended his career. Ray was an avid golfer and WSU supporter. Ray died in 1999. Pam “Lola’ (her middle name after her Grandma, and what Ray called her) opened Lola’s Sports Bar & Grill in 2003, for several reasons... her love of sports, a tribute to Ray, and because she needed a job after getting laid off at Boeing. Lola’s has been voted as having the ‘best bar food in Wichita’ several times. It is known for it’s KENO, frosted mugs, and the many friends and patrons that frequent it from all walks of life. Pam says, “It’s where the suits mingle with the boots”. That it is. You may contact Pam at Lola’s at (316) 942-5655.
2005-06-01 10:48:00
How ‘bout some sports’ trivia?
ANSWER:  I get to hear it all the time.  See how you do with these:
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