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Ed Martin
Ed Martin is owner of Healthy Choices, Inc. of Wichita. Ed has been involved in the energy and health fields for over 30 years, focusing on pioneering new technologies and bringing cutting-edge products and services to the marketplace. You can reach Ed at; 316-207-7343, or by e-mail at healthychoices1@cox.net
Health & Wellness
2005-12-29 14:16:00
Should I take supplements?
ANSWER: Our bodies are designed to heal themselves when they are injured, to avoid sickness when they are exposed to germs, and to recover from illness when they do get sick. Our bodies' ability to do this is dependent on our having proper nutrition in our diet. These nutrients become the critical building blocks for repairing and protecting all aspects of our bodies.A disturbing fact in our fast food society today is that most people do not eat everything they should for proper nutrition. Even those people who do eat all the correct fruits, vegetables, grains etc. are normally not getting the nutrition they need because those foods are often lacking in nutrients. They have been grown in soils that are depleted of minerals and fertilized to produce fast growth and bulk without concern for nutritional content. In addition, chemical products are often added to preserve fresh produce and to keep it looking attractive in the store even though it may be detrimental to its nutritional value. If those foods are cooked, some vital nutrients are destroyed by the heat also.My whole point here is that everyone should be taking nutritional supplements as part of their daily routine. Consider this:  a farmer who is raising animals and feeding them with crops he has grown on his farm will almost always add nutritional supplements to the animals' diet to make up for what is lacking in their feed. If animals cannot be raised effectively on farm grown grains and produce without having nutritional supplements added to their diet, why should we think we can eat farm grown grains and produce without needing additional nutrition? Much of society thinks they can eat whatever they want and do whatever they want whenever they want. They assume that if they do get sick or injured, they won't have to worry because the medical profession will make them well again. The better alternative is always to prevent the problem before it happens through proper health habits including taking nutritional supplements.In taking supplements, the first thing to remember is to use quality products, but keep it simple. Price alone is not a key to good quality, but I do tend to shy away from the lower priced supplements. Since nutritional products are not government regulated, manufacturers have a lot of flexibility in what ingredients they use, in how their products are manufactured, and in how their products are labeled. This is one area where I tend to believe that you get what you pay for, and that up to a point, cheaper is not necessarily better.    Everyone should begin with the basic nutritional supplements for general good health. In my opinion, that would include vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Vitamins and minerals need to work together in your body, and they need to be in proper balance, so I recommend taking a single product that contains a broad spectrum of these nutrients. I also recommend that they be taken in liquid form if possible because liquids are normally much more readily absorbed.   Antioxidants are super powerful forms of certain vitamins that play a critical role in protecting the body against attack by renegade cells. The ingredients to look for in antioxidants are very important. It is commonly accepted that the best antioxidant products are made from a combination of maritime pine bark extract and grape seed extract. If you have a product with these two ingredients plus either curcuminoids or tumeric extract, that is even better.Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants taken together on a daily basis, will often produce positive health results for people with any number of existing conditions. I believe this is because that balanced grouping of quality ingredients enhances the body's natural ability to protect and heal itself. For people who are already healthy, these ingredients strengthen the body's ability to maintain that condition of health. It is my opinion that all people, from young children to the very old, should take these vitamins, minerals and antioxidants every day of their lives.In addition to vitamin, mineral and antioxidant products, many stores also have a large number of products that only contain one specific vitamin or mineral ingredient. They tend to also have many different herbal products as well as other types of individual nutrients. I look at these as products to take in addition to the basic vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but only as needed for individual issues. For example, if you have a history of arterial blockages, you may want to look at taking a natural oral chelation product to help in keeping your arteries clean, or if you have joint pain, you may want to try a product containing cetyl myristoleate. There are many examples of these individual nutrient products for helping with specific problems.Learning about nutritional supplements and their application can be a lifelong project, because new information is constantly being presented. I invite you to continue studying this most fascinating topic.
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