| Peggy Engel is the owner of Hen Feathers Quilt Shop, located at 150 N. Rock Road in Wichita. Peggy, a lifelong seamstress, switched her focus a few years ago from clothing to quilt making. She and her daughter, Christie Welch, make up the creative team of Two Chicks Designs, a line of quilting patterns that focus on the fabric rather than difficult designs. You can contact Peggy at (316-652-9599. |
Arts & Crafts
2005-12-29 10:45:00
Differences in fabric quality?
ANSWER: Quilter's today prefer 100% cotton to make their quilts. Therefore we will limit our discussion to all cotton fabric. Today's beautiful fabrics are printed on a plain colored base fabric. The base fabric for a $3 per yard fabric is much coarser and has fewer threads than a fabric that costs $8.00 per yard. Because there are fewer threads in the less expensive fabric, sizing is put in the fabric to give it body. This sizing will come out when washed and the fabric will become limp and harder to work with. You can definitely see and feel the difference when you compare the 2 pieces.There is also a difference in printing. You should expect quilt shop prints to have everything lined up and clearly printed. The color is deep and looks richer. If a quality fabric mill has a printing problem that fabric could be sent to a chain store. Fabric companies often hire name designers to create beautiful fabric. These are often sold only to independent quilt shops. But if a fabric company prints more fabric than they can sell they will often sell these less popular prints to a discount chain.Make your quilts out of the best fabric you can afford to buy; the end result is worth it.