| Dr. George R. Watson, D.O. is certified in Preventive Health, Occupational Medicine, Bariatric Medicine, and is the first physician in Kansas to be a Diplomate of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. Dr. Watson has served in the Air Force as a Weapons Systems Officer, Electronic Warfare Officer, and Flight Surgeon. Dr. Watson is located in the Park City Medical Center, 425 E. 61st St. North. #2 and can be reached at 316-744-3400 |
Health & Medicine
2006-03-01 13:04:00
More on the 'Chelation Study'
ANSWER: This study is designed to show, by double blind method, if chelation is beneficial for the treatment of vascular diseases, as well as the FDA approved treatment of lead toxicity. The TACT study group had a nationwide conference in Miami February 10 and 11 to update physicians and coordinators on the progress of the study.question: What was most impressive about the meeting?answer: There were several things. We heard one lady speak, who, even though it is a double-blind study (she has not been told nor does her physician know whether she received the EDTA or placebo), has done so well by the end of her treatment phase, that she has become a Coordinator and recruiter for the clinic where she went through the program.Another amazing thing was having dinner with a cardiovascular surgeon from another state who gives his patients the option of bypass surgery or chelation. As we do in our clinic, he has them read the book, Bypassing Bypass Surgery, by Elmer Cranton, M.D., so that the patient can read about the Coronary Artery Surgery Study (CASS Study), which compares the risks and benefits of angioplasty with stent, bypass surgery, and aggressive medical therapy. Then, the patient can make an informed decision about what is best for them in their own circumstances.question: How can people obtain information about being a part of this landmark study?answer: If they (or someone they know) is over 50, has had a heart attack, and is a non-smoker, have them call 316-744-3400 so they can be interviewed to see if they are a candidate for the TACT study. And be sure to tell them that they will receive all of the testing, evaluation, and monitoring at no cost to them.