| Dr. George R. Watson, D.O. is certified in Preventive Health, Occupational Medicine, Bariatric Medicine, and is the first physician in Kansas to be a Diplomate of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. Dr. Watson has served in the Air Force as a Weapons Systems Officer, Electronic Warfare Officer, and Flight Surgeon. Dr. Watson is located in the Park City Medical Center, 425 E. 61st St. North. #2 and can be reached at 316-744-3400 |
Health & Medicine
2006-03-30 14:20:00
The bird flu: not if...but when
ANSWER: Wild birds worldwide carry the viruses in their intestines, especially waterfowl and shorebirds. These viruses are very contagious and cause sickness and death in many domesticated birds, especially poultry.QUESTION: Where can I get more information?ANSWER: An exhaustive amount of information can be obtained at www.cdc.gov/flu/avian. QUESTION: What can I do to prevent myself from getting Bird Flu? ANSWER: The following is practical information that you can use to protect yourself and your family.1. Do not pick up diseased or dead wildlife. Report it to the Kansas Fish and Game.2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after cleaning wild game or domestic poultry.3. Cleanse all counter surfaces with Clorox after preparing wild game or domestic poultry.4. Cook all game and poultry thoroughly.5. If you are traveling to areas where H5N1 virus outbreaks have occurred, review CDC Travelers’ Health.6. Take the regular flu shot to minimize the risk of having two different viral infections at once.7. If you are ill with fever, respiratory symptoms, and conjunctivitis, practice Respiratory Hygiene and Cough Etiquette (see CDC site). Basically, “Cover your mouth” when you cough or sneeze, and “Wash your hands with soap and water” before touching anything.8. Remember, you are contagious until free of fever 24-hours. Be free of fever 24-hours before returning to work or school!9. Prevention is the key! There are numerous ways to prevent illness. Vitamin C at levels of four to five grams per day helps increase immunity and Beta Glucan 500mg one to three times daily also enhances immunity.A good multivitamin/mineral and anti-oxidant enhances immunity. 10. Treatment—hydrogen peroxide has been used to kill bacteria and viruses. It is used intravenously with great results in all sorts of infections, both viral and bacterial. Read the book, Hydrogen Peroxide, Medical Miracle to understand how this works.11. Stop smoking, minimize alcohol intake, and exercise 20 to 30 minutes, six days per week.