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Dr George Watson
Dr. George R. Watson, D.O. is certified in Preventive Health, Occupational Medicine, Bariatric Medicine, and is the first physician in Kansas to be a Diplomate of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. Dr. Watson has served in the Air Force as a Weapons Systems Officer, Electronic Warfare Officer, and Flight Surgeon. Dr. Watson is located in the Park City Medical Center, 425 E. 61st St. North. #2 and can be reached at 316-744-3400
Health & Medicine
2006-05-01 17:10:00
Maintaining your health and vitality
ANSWER: Let’s go back to the day that my own cholesterol went over 200.  I was a flight surgeon in an F-16 fighter unit.  My shield of invincibility was punctured.  So I started then to look for the best options to maintain my health.Step 1 is exactly what the National Cholesterol Education Guidelines call for — A Total Lifestyle Change.  That means better dietary choices, cutting out all the fried foods and sugar-laden soft drinks.  I started a regular exercise program that includes free weights three days a week and aerobics three days a week.To specifically lower the cholesterol, I use a soluble fiber blend that sequesters the bile acids with viscous fiber, inhibits dietary cholesterol absorption with plant sterols, inhibits synthesis of cholesterol in the liver with a natural ingredient, and promotes the conversion of cholesterol to important metabolites.Step 2 is to detoxify my body from all the environmental pollution to which we are exposed.  I use Doctor’s Choice Oral Chelation Formula, and take IV chelation treatments monthly to remove toxic metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium.Step 3 is a good vitamin, mineral, amino acid, and anti-oxidant formula to provide what is missing from our food sources.Question: Isn’t that a lot of capsules and supplements?ANSWER: I always ask my patients, “Would you rather take illness medicine or wellness medicine?”  I always get a grin, because the answer is so obvious.
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