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Dr Steven Bailey
Steven Bailey DC: BAILEY TOTAL HEALTH, 311 W Central Ave, in Andover, KS. Contact Phone is: 316-733-1440. For pain control info: www.AndoverPainRelief.com, for nutritional support: www.baileytotalhealth.nutrametrix.com, general email:baileytotalhealthforme@yahoo.com. Dr. Bailey is 42 yrs old, married, with 5 children, Christian. Hobbies: Wing Chun Gung Fu instructor (martial art), yard, and lake. Is really living life abundantly and would like to share that with you.
Health & Wellness
2006-07-01 09:08:00
What age could a child start receiving chiropractic care?
ANSWER: In order for the reader to understand the answer to this question, I would like to explain what chiropractic care is.  Chiropractic is the science and art of identifying misalignment in the spine, and correcting that misalignment.  Being in alignment in the spine is never wrong.  It is always right.  Misalignment in the spine causes two things: 1) Nerve Pressure, and 2) the beginning of arthritis.  In that the nervous system runs all aspects of the body, even the hormonal system, and controls all development and function.  Having a nervous system that works optimally is very, very important.  So having nerve pressure is not acceptable where health is concerned.  Arthritis is caused by the failure of ability to hold proper joint alignment.  While the gross manifestation of arthritis may be years in the making, its cause is misalignment.  Misalignment causes unnatural stresses in the joints that leads to decay.  The cause of misalignment is trauma.  If you have had trauma, you may have developed misalignment.  Trauma causes you to lose the ability to hold alignment in the joint.  Birth ranks as a trauma for most children.  Therefore, chiropractic care should begin at birth.  The need is to check for misalignment so as to remove nerve pressure and the cause of future arthritis in the life of that sweet child.  To conclude let me share a story from my own experience.  One day my wife tells me that so-an-so down the street is taking their 6 month old baby in for exploratory brain surgery.  We drove down and talked with the woman.  I asked if testing had already been done, she said, “everything showed normal”. She said that the baby’s right eye had hung 80% closed from birth.  The baby cried nearly constantly, never seemed at peace, didn’t sleep well. She said that the baby was born breach presentation and birthing was therefore difficult. Later, upon examination at my office, I found a misaligned Cervical and Occipit. I gently felt my correction take place. The baby went instantly, peacefully relaxed.  The baby went on to sleep well, stop the constant crying. I told the mother, that sometimes nerve pressure and even cerebrospinal fluid pressure can develop due to this type of misalignment. The baby was spared from exploratory brain surgery, because we found the problem and fixed it. I told the mother that the eye, all going well, would begin to gradually open over the next couple of months- and it did.  Where would this baby’s life have been without chiropractic, what future did it have?  Chiropractic saves lives. Everyone should be checked periodically for misalignment at any age.  Perhaps you have heard of the 92 year old Jack Lallane. He has lived two lives of health.  Chiropractic has been there all along for him. My grandfather, at 90 years old, said that he had health to throw away. I wish that every single person will truly live every day, not just be alive, so as the good book says, “be in good health, even as your soul prospers”. Get them babies down here, is what I have to say about it.
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