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Ed Martin
Ed Martin is owner of Healthy Choices, Inc. of Wichita. Ed has been involved in the energy and health fields for over 30 years, focusing on pioneering new technologies and bringing cutting-edge products and services to the marketplace. You can reach Ed at; 316-207-7343, or by e-mail at healthychoices1@cox.net
Health & Wellness
2006-08-01 16:46:00
Instant face lifts...are you kidding?


ANSWER: You have asked a great question, and I say that for two different reasons.  (1) It touches on a subject that will interest a lot of people, and (2) it opens discussion on a truly unique application of nanotechnology science.
In past columns I have explained that nanotechnology involves the development of materials and processes that are engineered at the scale of atoms and molecules.  Although there are great goals for where this emerging technology will take us in the future, most current applications are geared toward making current products better.  Examples have been to make skin creams that are more absorbent, paints that are more durable, fabrics that don’t stain, etc.
It has been very difficult finding practical real-life consumer products that “go where man has never gone before” in fully utilizing some aspect of nanotechnology science.  I am referring to products that would have been considered science fiction just a few years ago, and which are so new that they may sound like science fiction to you now.  My goal has been to identify such products that have been proven in double blind placebo controlled studies by major research organizations, and that are on the market for consumers to purchase today.  Your question touches on one of those exciting new product groups.
A California company has developed an entirely new approach to improving the performance and the appearance of the human body through a nano-based technology that has never been done before.  It involves wearing a small round patch, about like a Band-Aid, that is applied out of sight, either to your skin or to your clothing near your skin.  It does not have to touch your skin, because there are no drugs or medicines of any kind that are being transferred to your body.  (Remember, this is an entirely new “science fiction” type of product.)
Inside the one inch wide patch is organic material that “talks” to your cells through nano-scale molecular antennas that emit a “signal” when they are placed next to your body.  The energy that powers the “antennas” is your body’s own energy field, and their signal instructs specific types of cells to improve their natural function.  By adjusting the ratio of the materials in the patches when they are made, the patches can be “tuned” to emit instructions at the frequency required by different types of cells to create specific results.
All this sounds very technical, and it is.  However, the good news is that you don’t have to understand how the product works to enjoy its benefits, and it appears that the products are working very well.  Earlier applications of this company’s technology have been to create a patch to provide more energy, a patch to provide better sleep and a patch for relief of pain.  Since they provide these benefits without drugs or medicines of any kind entering the body, the patches have been gaining acceptance by everyone from Olympic athletes to ordinary people who want high performance products while living a healthy drug-free lifestyle.
I have gone a long way around the circle to answer your question, but I wanted to give you enough background that my answer would make sense.  The California company that developed the patch technology now has begun to market their latest patch, which is the “instant face lift” product you are asking about.  The “instant face lift” terminology is not totally accurate, however, because my research indicates that their patch causes skin all over the body to become healthier with greater clarity and a more youthful appearance.
In past months, I have selected questions for this column that have been fairly generic.  That is largely because the real future of nanotechnology products is still years away, and there is not a great deal to discuss in today’s market that is providing a real breakthrough.  However, I do think the patch technology that was the basis for your question provides a fascinating glimpse of the future that is here today, and I can discuss it further next month if we get questions indicating an interest.

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