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Dr George Watson
Dr. George R. Watson, D.O. is certified in Preventive Health, Occupational Medicine, Bariatric Medicine, and is the first physician in Kansas to be a Diplomate of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. Dr. Watson has served in the Air Force as a Weapons Systems Officer, Electronic Warfare Officer, and Flight Surgeon. Dr. Watson is located in the Park City Medical Center, 425 E. 61st St. North. #2 and can be reached at 316-744-3400
Health & Medicine
2006-10-01 10:27:00
What is AAPS?
ANSWER: AAPS has been the voice for private physicians since 1943. They were among the first to see the pitfalls of the Medicare Program when it was signed into law by Lyndon Johnson in July, 1965. Today, they are at the forefront of calling for price transparency in hospitals, insurance plans, and doctors’ private offices. They are advocates for free-market medicine. QUESTION: What is their position on electronic medical records and patient privacy? ANSWER: AAPS sees electronic medical records, with interconnectivity, as a HUGE threat to patient privacy. One only needs look at the recent temporary loss of a VA computer, leaving millions of veterans records at risk of intrusion. ANY PATIENT that thinks their medical records are safe from multiple levels of government snooping is living in a dream world. QUESTION: What is AAPS’ position on national health insurance? ANSWER: Just look at Canada. Why do so many Canadians slip across the border into the U.S. to get surgical procedures THIS WEEK, rather than stay on a SIX MONTH waiting list in Canada? Here is how it works. A surgeon can do, say, ten of a particular type of surgery in a month. When he has done ten, he won’t be paid any more until the next pay period, so he might as well, and usually does, take off until the next pay period, when he can do another ten cases of that type. QUESTION: What was one of the most interesting talks? ANSWER: Dr Cyril Wecht, M.D., J.D., forensic pathologist shared his experiences reviewing, and in some cases, repeating the autopsies, in cases such as JFK, Robert Kennedy, and more recently, O.J.’s trial, Ron Brown and Vince Foster of the Clinton administration, Lacy Peterson, and Jon Bennet. QUESTION: You mentioned price transparency. What do you mean, and how can I find out prices? ANSWER: Try calling any doctor who participates with insurance companies and Medicare. Ask them, “What do you charge, and what does Medicare pay for that service that you provide?” It is rare that you will get more than their standard fee from them. They will not tell you how much Medicare or other insurance plans discount their charge. And the UNINSURED get charged the full price, even though insurance companies get a discount. This is discrimination of the worst kind. We have previously given an example of the hospital charging the insurance company $6,000 for CT scans that were done FOR CASH for $1,100. QUESTION: Where can I get more information for myself, and my personal physician about this organization? ANSWER: You can go to www.aapsonline.org or you can call Dr George Watson at 744-3400.
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