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Pastor Tom Hawks
Senior Pastor Tom Hawks, of Glenn Park Christian Church for the last 30 years, was born in Wichita. He has lived here most of his life. He has been married to Ellen for 24 years. They have two children and three grandchildren. His favorite pastimes are spending time with his family, fishing and studying the Word of God. You may contact Pastor Hawks at (316) 943-4283.
2006-12-01 09:28:00
Is the soul AND the body in Heaven or Hell before the end of time?
ANSWER: There is much debate about whether the story of the rich man and the beggar is parable or an actual experience. There are those who believed that because Jesus gave Lazarus a name and never gave names to characters in other parables, this was a real “happening!” What we must remember is that spiritual and eternal truths have to be described in human and earthly language. This does not lesson the blessing nor the terror of the truth. I don’t know that I have the answer some may want to this question, but let me share some valuable lessons from this story. There was one main difference between Lazarus and the rich man. But what a big difference. It is the difference between being known by God and not being known or honored by God. Lazarus, which means “God is my helper”, knew God and trusted God. The rich man was healthy, Lazarus was disabled. The rich man had plenty, Lazarus was helpless. Lazarus died and was escorted to Paradise, the rich man died and was buried. There was a difference in life, death, and in eternity. Let me give you ten contrasts in this passage we need to know about eternity. 1.The rich man was in hell…Lazarus in Paradise. The term “Abraham’s breast” meant to be feasting with Abraham in Paradise…a place of joy and rest following death. 2.The rich man only saw Glory…Lazarus was living in and experiencing glory. 3.The rich man was painfully alone…Lazarus had companionship. 4.The rich man had a burning sensation…Lazarus had water. 5.The rich man was tormented…Lazarus was comforted. 6.The rich man remembered his former life…Lazarus was silent. 7.The rich man was fixed in hell…Lazarus was fixed in Paradise. 8.The rich man agonized for loved ones…Lazarus was settled in eternity. 9.The rich man begged for another chance…Lazarus was at peace with the Scripture’s promise. 10.The rich man was unable to intercede for his family…Lazarus rested in God’s grace. Remember, God wants you in heaven (2 Peter 3:9, John 14:1-6). If you are a believer know one day you’ll be there…all of you…body and soul. (1 Thess. 4:13-18).
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