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Dr George Watson
Dr. George R. Watson, D.O. is certified in Preventive Health, Occupational Medicine, Bariatric Medicine, and is the first physician in Kansas to be a Diplomate of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. Dr. Watson has served in the Air Force as a Weapons Systems Officer, Electronic Warfare Officer, and Flight Surgeon. Dr. Watson is located in the Park City Medical Center, 425 E. 61st St. North. #2 and can be reached at 316-744-3400
Health & Medicine
2006-12-01 15:48:00
Is there a decrease in breast cancer?
ANSWER: The article goes on to say that perhaps, since women over fifty are taking fewer hormones that might be the reason for the decrease. What the article DOESN'T say is, all of the studies were done with SYNTHETIC hormones or non-bio-identical hormones. QUESTION: What do you mean by bio-identical? ANSWER: These are the hormones that are made by humans, not the estrogen in pregnant mares' urine, or the progestins of provera, which were the hormones studied. Needless to say, this has caused a lot of confusion--women and men are asking, "Is it safe to take hormones at all?" To which ANTI-AGING doctors respond, "When your hormones were in balance, about your mid twenties, weren't you about as healthy as ever? Would you like to feel like that again?" Doctors who have not studied the literature in anti-aging medicine will likely respond, "At your age, you don't need any hormones. Just take this pill to keep your bones strong." QUESTION: What other factors might be involved? ANSWER: I have women tell me every week that they do not think it is healthy to have their breasts simultaneously crushed and radiated for their annual mammogram, so they are not getting mammograms yearly. One lady even told me that her skin was torn in the process of her last mammogram and she would never have that done again. Perhaps the decrease in the number of mammograms, and the resulting decreased radiation is part of the answer. QUESTION: So, what is a person to do? ANSWER: Take ownership for your own health. Read books on your health. Do on-line searches for the information you seek to answer your specific problem. Then find a doctor that LISTENS to you, your concerns, your questions, YOUR goals, before he or she tells you what they are going to do. Look up Thermography on the internet. Look up www.acam.org on the internet to find a doctor that will work with you to provide BIO-IDENTICAL hormones for you. Call Park City Medical Center at 744-3400 to schedule an appointment with a doctor that listens to YOU.
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