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Teresa Kunze
2007-04-01 08:41:00
What to get Mom for Mother’s Day
Inspire your mother this Mother’s Day with a copy of “Come and See,” a photographic memoir of the life and work of Mother Teresa. Author and Photojournalist Linda Schaefer put her camera down to go to work along the humble nun whose work and words have offered encouragement to the world. After developing a relationship with Schaefer in Calcutta, Mother Teresa granted permission for photos to be taken. Schaefer became the last photographer to have full access to the great sister. “Come and See” is a look into the environment in which Mother Teresa, her nuns and volunteers lived and worked. The phrase “Come and See” was used by Mother Teresa, but more important than the phrase is its meaning. It is a challenge to enter a place of pain and fright and at the same time find joy. On Friday, May 18, hear Schaefer’s story first hand at Newman University’s DeMattias Fine Arts Center. Present this inspiring book and ticket to hear Schaefer to your mother as a Mother’s Day gift on May 13. Then share the experience together on May 18. A reception and book signing will begin at 5 p.m. Schaefer will present at 6 p.m. Proceeds from the books and event benefit Catholic Charities Emergency Services where those in our community find help and hope in their time of need. Purchase books for $20 each and tickets to the event for $25 each. Or purchase both for $40 and save $5. An additional $5 applies for books shipped. To purchase books and tickets or for more information, please call Debbie Sigman at 264-8344, ext. 221 or visit Catholic Charities’ Web site at www.catholiccharitieswichita.org. About Catholic Charities Emergency Services The work of Mother Teresa must continue. The needs here, in our own nation and community, are great.Last year Emergency Services served more than 10,000 men, women and children. Nationally, four out of five food stamp recipients are children who need adequate nutrition to learn and grow. In Wichita, more than 1,700 families came to us for food last year, many with children in their homes. And in addition to these families, more than 600 individuals needed food. Today, more working poor are going hungry, as 29 percent of food stamp recipients are in families where at least one person works, but whose earnings simply aren’t enough to cover rent, utilities, and food. In our Emergency Services, nearly all of those who need utility assistance also need help with food. Having juggled their money, they must make tough decisions on how to fill the gaps. Catholic Charities Emergency Services is here to provide two to three days of food to families each month. Families typically come for food about three times each year. When they come, they find information on other community resources, like food stamps and free meal programs. To learn more about the work of Catholic Charities, visit our Web site at www.catholiccharitieswichita.org.
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