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Ed Martin
Ed Martin is owner of Healthy Choices, Inc. of Wichita. Ed has been involved in the energy and health fields for over 30 years, focusing on pioneering new technologies and bringing cutting-edge products and services to the marketplace. You can reach Ed at; 316-207-7343, or by e-mail at healthychoices1@cox.net
Health & Wellness
2007-08-01 11:27:00
A new solution to the weight-loss roller coaster
Answer: I think my personal experience with weight loss may be similar to yours. It can be very frustrating. However, I think I have found something that may help all of us who struggle with controlling our body weight. Let me explain. Over the years, my weight has cycled up and down. I always seem to put on extra pounds over a period of time, and when my clothes get too tight, I resolve to lose weight once again. Then with my new-found motivation, I start on the latest diet and commit to an exercise program to slim down. However, I hate to diet because it means giving up the foods I like the best, and exercise is more work than I want to do for any length of time, so I eventually lose interest. (This “no pain –no gain” concept gets old.) After dieting for some time, there always comes a day when I start to crave the foods I really like, (sweets are a big problem for me) so I convince myself that it is OK to eat a donut, or a brownie, or some ice cream “just this once”. The next thing you know, I am back to my old eating habits and I gradually put the pounds back on. It has been a never ending process. Plus, here is another thing that really irritates me. As I get older, I seem to gain weight easier than ever, but it is getting harder to take it off again. Talk about frustrating! It is easy to get discouraged. Awhile back, I promised my wife that I would lose some weight. I changed my eating habits by no longer eating the “good stuff” and started to eat “healthy” instead. I also started going on long bike rides, lifting some light weights, etc. It all paid off, and I dropped about 15 pounds to where I am today. However, I am still above my ideal weight. I am starting to rationalize bad eating habits again, and my weight loss has leveled off. I recently began visiting the jar of peanut M&M’s that my assistant keeps on her desk. Each time I only take 3 or 4, but my trips are becoming more frequent. And today, there was a birthday party for one of the women in my office, so everyone brought treats. There were some delicious chocolate brownies that became addictive, and I ate 4 of them. Now I don’t feel like exercising. Sound familiar? The problem for many of us is that we eventually give in to cravings for the unhealthy high-calorie foods that we love. There are complex scientific explanations for this, but here is my simple version. Our brain knows that we have lost weight; it thinks we must be starving; and it goes into survival mode. Our brain tells our body to put the pounds back on for self protection. Then we start to crave those favorite foods with lots of sugars or fats that give us the calories needed to regain our weight. Another explanation is that eating foods we enjoy creates a pleasure sensation that becomes a form of addiction. The longer we are away from these foods, the more we crave what we are missing. Unless we have very strong will power for an extended period, the cravings eventually win us back to our old ways, and the pounds return. I think I may have found something that can help us control our cravings. This is a new product that uses a drug-free technology, and from what I am told, it really works. This product is so new that the field trials have been completed, and the first distributor orders are being processed as I am writing this. I have ordered the product for my own testing, but I have not received it yet. Friends of mine who were invited to be involved in testing say the product works amazingly well. I don’t know too much about this new product, but I will tell you the little bit that has been explained to me. Apparently it is an adhesive-backed patch, sort of like a round band-aid, that is applied to a specific point on your body. There are no drugs and nothing enters your body, but the patch utilizes your body’s own energy to gently stimulate your acupuncture points that control hunger. The result, according to my friends, is that your cravings for specific foods disappear almost immediately, and when you set down for a meal, you feel full very quickly. They say this enables you to dramatically cut your food intake without feeling hungry, and you will lose weight easily.“ Lose weight easily” sounds good to me, so I am going to give this new patch a try as soon as the ones I ordered arrive. I will keep you posted on my results.
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