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Kevin Helt
Kevin Helt has been racing in all forms of motorsports, building and maintaining his race equipment since 1984. He has worked in the aircraft field for about 12 years in Quality Assurance before going to work for Nmotion Race Technology in early 2004 as a dyno technition and engine builder. In 2005 Kevin became an owner and took over the parts manager position where he made many contact in the motorcycle and atv industry which has proven to be very beneficial to Nmotion. Kevin is experienced in most of the day to day operations at Nmotion where he has taken an active role in managing Nmotion.
2007-11-01 08:42:00
Are motorcycles unsafe?
Did you know that all 50 states require motorcycle riders to obtain a special license or endorsement to operate a motorcycle on public streets and highways? Yet an alarming statistic shows that over 20% of the national motorcycle population is not properly licensed. Data shows that motorcycle riders who are unlicensed or improperly licensed are over-represented in fatal crashes by more than 100% nationally and by as much as 400% in some states, and about 35% of motorcycle riders nationally who are involved in fatal crashes are not properly licensed, with some states reporting as many as 80% of their motorcycle fatalities as improperly licensed riders. Findings also indicate that the overall number of motorcycle crashes and fatalities would be greatly reduced if more motorcycle riders who are currently operating without a proper license would successfully complete a comprehensive training course and become properly licensed. The numbers are staggering but easily preventable through education and training. With all 50 states requiring motorcycle riders to be licensed and with most offering training courses, there is no excuse for operating a motorcycle illegally. The bottom line is that motorcycles are extremely fun to ride, and with proper training can be very safe as well. With fuel costs continually rising more and more people are looking for more efficient transportation, with motorcycles being one of the most efficient means. You can expect to see an increase of motorcycles on our roads and highways. If you don’t ride, please look for motorcycles, and be thoughtful and courteous of those who do. And if you do ride please remember these key points. • Get trained and licensed. • Wear protective gear - all the gear, all the time-including a helmet manufactured to the standards set by the Department of Transportation (DOT). • Ride unimpaired by alcohol or other drugs. • Ride within your own skill limits. • Be a lifelong learner by taking refresher courses.
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