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Annette Lindal
Annette Lindal, RN, MM, OCN(r) is a registered nurse at the Via Christi Cancer Center. She serves as the education facilitator. She holds degrees from Butler County Community College, Friends University, and Wichita State University. She is an oncology certified nurse and can be reached at Annette_Lindal@via-christi.org Via Christi Cancer Resource Center, part of the Via Christi Cancer Center at 817 N. Emporia, offers cancer information to empower the consumer to be an active member of the health care team. The Resource Center contains pamphlets, books, audiotapes, videotapes, and computer access. Newly diagnosed patients are matched with a cancer survivor through the CONTACT program. To find out more about the services of the Resource Center, including our Internet bulletin board The Cancer Community, go to www.via-christi.org, and click on the topic "cancer." Learn more about recognition and treatment of side effects from cancer treatment by calling the Resource Center at (316) 268-6830 and talk with an oncology certified registered nurse. The answer is only a phone call away.
Health & Medicine
2002-07-01 16:13:00
Treatment side effects
Answer:  Cancer treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, and biological therapy. The side effects of cancer treatments and when they occur depend mainly on the type and the extent of the treatment.Also, the effects may not be the same  for each person or they may change for a person from one treatment to the next.Common side effects from cancer treatment include fatigue, nausea and vomiting, hair loss, lowered blood cell counts, mouth sores. Most side effects resolve after treatment is completed, and can be managed in a variety of ways. Medications and acupuncture are used to control nausea and vomiting. Mouth sores can be managed with rinses and diet changes.Because many treatments result in decreased blood counts, the cancer patient will be at an increased risk for any kind of infection.Protective measures include good hand washing, avoiding crowds, and wearing a surgical mask. The physician will closely monitor the course of treatment, any associated side effects, and provide information for the management of any problems associated with treatment.There are some long-term health issues associated with certain cancer  treatments. Cancer survivors deal with a variety of adjustment issues that may include: living with artificial limbs, ostomies, breast changes, energy loss, and chronic pain. Some cancer treatments result in a change in sexuality and/or fertility. Your health care provider is the primary source of information, and can refer you to other professionals for additional care.
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