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Charlie Traffas
Charlie Traffas has been involved in marketing, media, publishing and insurance for more than 40 years. In addition to being a fully-licensed life, health, property and casualty agent, he is also President and Owner of Chart Marketing, Inc. (CMI). CMI operates and markets several different products and services that help B2B and B2C businesses throughout the country create customers...profitably. You may contact Charlie by phone at (316) 721-9200, by e-mail at ctraffas@chartmarketing.com, or you may visit at www.chartmarketing.com.
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2008-07-01 15:11:00
Oil, politics, futuristic thinking and more about green tea
Answer: Questions like this allow me to get on my “soap box” and say lots of things. The first thing I want to talk about is oil, its price and why we’re experiencing what we’re experiencing. What about this “price of oil” mess anyway? What’s the real scoop? Like Will Rogers said, “All I know is what I read in the papers.” It’s just that today most every article is tainted in some way, you can’t read anything and get the whole story. You have to get a bunch of them together and assemble the facts for yourself. Or at least, that’s what I think. Maybe that’s the way you’ll feel about this article too. Well you’re right. It is tainted, but I get to do that. My goal however is to present things properly and save you time doing it yourself. I will tell you before I begin, that my company has invested in oil and gas for several years, and these investments produce a nice income, so lower oil prices are not necessarily the “friend” of this nice income. So why am I writing about it? Good prices are going to make a lot of sense when our country’s economy goes to “thunder” and lots of people get hurt. Oil could back up in price to $70 a barrel and there would still be enough left to make it a worthwhile investment. The first thing you need to remember as we talk about this subject is that oil is purchased, sold and traded in dollars (USD). If it were to be traded in Yen, Pesos, Marks or some other currency, it might be different. Since it’s traded in dollars, what has happened to the dollar vs. the euro (the two major world currencies) in the last several years is most significant. In January of 2002, it took $.86 USD to buy $1 Euro. Today, it takes $1.57 USD to buy $1 Euro, an 82% increase. So, if nothing else was factored in...no inflation...no terrorist threats...no oil fields being blown up...no world crisis...just the weakened dollar alone would cause the price of oil to nearly double. Throw in the rest of the considerations and you have the price where it is now. Why has the dollar weakened so much? You have only to recall what happened in Germany towards the end of World War II? Germany was spending money on everything. The infrastructure, all of Hitler’s big dreams, plus the commitment to the military. Germany was on its own currency. They printed so much money, with nothing to back it up, that it was taking wheelbarrows full of the stuff to buy a sack full of groceries. Their currency became worthless. Why has our dollar weakened so much? The first reason is because there are few in Washington who understand fiscal responsibility. Everyone is trying to get earmarks and spending for everything from “soup to nuts.” It’s like looting and hoarding after a catastrophe, only this is going on before one. Now Congress is wanting to give Americans $150 Billion to help them cope with the high energy prices. Where do you suppose they’re going to get that $150 Billion? Do you think they’re going to take a previously budgeted item and rechannel it to this? No. They’re going to print it. It no longer has to be “gotten” from anywhere. And our dollar gets a few cents weaker. Ron Parker, a friend of mine, asked a rhetorical question the other day. He said, “Tell me, what business is there in the world that could spend money on things, without making those expenditures balance with income, and stay in business?” Of course you know...we all know...there is no business that can stay in business if expenses do not match income. What I am or what I believe is most probably of little concern to you. However, before you read the rest of this column, I don’t mind telling you, I have been a Republican all my adult life. Why? There are several reasons, but one is the way the Republican Party is supposed to feel government should allow business and society to work together. The old conservative thinking has always been that if you take care of business (allow it the opportunity to exist, thrive and propagate), business will provide the jobs to keep most everyone employed that wants to be, and these people will earn the income, to provide themselves with what they need, while simultaneously providing them with the opportunities to live out the American Dream. If business and those employed pay their fair share of taxes, there should be plenty to take care of the needs of the populace, the country both domestically and abroad, plus take care of the needs of those who can’t be employed, for whatever reasons. That is...if there is fiscal responsibility from our elected representatives. That means they don’t spend more than they take in. Old Republican thinking says business should be the “dog” and society the “tail.” The “dog” should wag the “tail,” not the other way around. On the other hand, Democrats believe that you first take care of society, and then have business provide whatever it takes to meet society’s needs. Give them everything they want and need, then fund it with taxes, whatever the burden, but stop just short of killing the “goose.” In their view, society is the “dog” and business is the “tail.” To me, there is an inherent problem with this philosophy. Due to concupiscence (derived from the Latin word concupiscentia meaning “a desire for worldly things”), a trait we inherited from the sin of Adam, I don’t think this approach can ever work for the long term. You see, once you begin to take care of someone, their needs are never fully satiated, because they will always want more, whether there is a way to pay for these things or not. So, as more and more is spent on society, businesses and individuals are always playing catch-up to fund it. Maybe that’s why we go along for two or three terms with the Democrats giving it away, then two or three terms where the Republicans restore order to pay for things. Maybe that’s why we work...or don’t work. I don’t know. I don’t get angry about it. It’s just the way our two-party sytem works. I am sure my view is awfully simplistic to the skeptics, but this is what I see as the fundamental difference between the two major parties. Then, mix in all of the other things one does when he/she focuses and concentrates on either business or society, and you get the two parties. The Reform, Libertarian and Progressive parties, and others, are the same, but with different percentages of focus in different areas. Now, what I described used to be the way most Republicans thought. It is not that way any longer. Far too many elected officials...of both parties...are guilty, in the House, Senate and the White House, of not only spending beyond our means, but they are also seemingly in a race to see who can get the most out of our coffers in the way of earmarks and hidden agendas before these coffers dry up and blow away. All the while they’re doing this, they bad mouth the other party to divert attention from what they’re doing. It is a huge sham and so unfortunate. It is also crazy...and getting crazier. I believe in a concept called “the art of futuristic thinking.” Let me explain... The “art of futuristic thinking” is a practice whereby you stand in the present, getting ready to make a decision to do something, and prior to making that decision, you jump to the future (in your mind) and imagine how the decision you’re getting ready to make is going to play out. If this decision is going to cause problems for you in the future (come back to bite you), then (while still in your mind) you go back in time to the past, which really is the present, and make a new decision that is going to work better in the future. You might say by perfecting this practice, you have the power to change the past (which really is the present) and the future. Let’s try it. Take a trip with me into the future (in your mind) with the kind of mentality our elected representatives are displaying today. All of their wonderful habits being implemented in full force: spending without due regard for fiscal responsibility, constant bickering, partisan politics, “porking” up bills to get their hidden agendas and earmarks...and our wonderful media and self-serving people on the sidelines egging them on. The nuts on the right (i.e. O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc.) don’t have a job if they don’t attack the far left crazies; and the nuts on the left (i.e. Move On, Keith Obermann, Jesse Jackson, Rev. Wright, Colmes, etc.) don’t have a job if they don’t attack the far right lunatics, as well as sew hate everywhere they can. And everyone talks over everyone! Bill O’Reilly has to be the worst, with Alan Colmes on deck. Why in the world does he invite someone on his show as a guest? He asks them a question and before they have a chance to answer, he gives his answer. Then he ends up saying something like, “But what say you?” Who cares what Bill O’Reilly thinks? He says, “The spin stops here.” What, does he think we’re nuts? All he does is “spin” his “spin.” Lately, he’s been trying to be “kissy kissy” with Obama, thinking he might score a “ratings touchdown” if Barack ever comes on his show. If he does, I promise, Bill O’Reilly’s head is so big, it won’t be at all about Obama...it will be about Bill. He is a hot-headed Irishman, who now believes his charisma is so strong, he doesn’t even bother to get briefed on half of what he covers. All he could talk about following the Hillary interview was, “How did I do?” Bill O’Reilly...here’s some news. A journalist reports and lets the viewers decide, just like a catalyst in chemistry causes a reaction to occur without entering into the reaction. I am a Republican, but he is a joke. Now, I should have a little more credibility with you. I ridiculed one of my own first. Imagine what I think of those “weenies” on the left. I’m sick of all the nonsense that is going on. In the old days, I remember the respect one congressman had for another, although they would debate all day long. He or she would say something like, “I must vehemently disagree with the distinguished Senator from Georgia, for his position on such and such.” I remember the late Representative and Senator Everett Dirksen in the 50’s and 60’s, from Illinois, who was known as the champion filibusterer of all time. While I am sure he never went to this extreme, I always thought he would say (in that deep baritone voice) something like, “I would like to comment on my good friend’s comment, the distinguished Senator from Kentucky, who must not have turned his brain on this morning, for the position he is taking on such and such.” They disagreed with each other on policies and issues, but they didn’t get hateful and personal. It was good, healthy debate...and somehow, the country won out most of the time because of it. Look at what we’re spawning today. This is a mess. Now compound all of this “mess” with our trade deficit, that has reached more than $5 trillion since 2002, which the government must issue securities to underwrite, that foreigners are buying in “boat loads,” and how the weakened dollar and sale of these securities is causing our real estate in our major cities to be bought up in unprecedented percentages by foreigners. 47% of Seattle is owned by foreigners, 24% of New York and 33% of Los Angeles! Are you reading this? Where do you think we’re headed? How do you like this future? Folks...I know this will come as a shock to you...but quite often...countries fail. Few societies have made it longer than 200 to 300 years. Is this how the beginning of the end looks? Let’s go back into the past (in our minds, which really is the present) and do something about it. Here’s what I recommend: 1. Simultaneous with getting back to the days of Eisenhower and Kennedy and respecting the office of President and our elected Representatives, let’s demand that these representatives earn our respect by acting civil towards one another, attacking the policies and working on the issues, but not the person. Let’s force them to immediately take on the philosophy of any prudent businessperson, “You can only spend it or commit to spend it if you have it in the bank.” As soon as they start with the partisan politics, attacking the person instead of the policies, sponsoring spending without having the money to back it, spank ‘em or taze ‘em or fine ‘em. The second time they do it, kick ‘em out. I don’t care who they are. As soon as we begin watching our spending and matching it with income, and balancing our trade deficit, the dollar will strengthen quickly. America will become more solid. Our goods will be worth more intrinsically on the world market. The price of oil, which is traded for in dollars, will come down...for real...and not some artificial lowering like we have seen in the last few weeks. 2. Force the big oil companies to drill and explore for oil on the 68 million acres of Federal land they already lease, instead of lobbying for areas folks don’t want them to drill on yet, like off shore and other pristine areas. Let’s go after these places at the very end, when we’re just about out of all fossil fuels on the planet. If they don’t drill this 68 million acres, the Government should negate the leases and offer them to private drilling contractors. The government’s share of the royalty on this production alone would be all they need to invest in alternative energy (wind, solar, geothermal, etc.). All of the off shore rigs are promised for the next five years anyway. If government opened up every off shore location today, there are no rigs for 5 years! Land rigs are available now. Those who say it’ll take 15 years to start the oil flowing know little about the business. Oil could flow on half of this acreage within six months...lots of oil. The announcement of an aggressive drilling program alone would reduce the price of oil by $30 a barrel immediately. 3. With no advance warning whatsoever, release one half of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) onto the market. Having been a former speculator years ago in bonds, bills, bellies and beans (of which I am not proud of), I can tell you how quickly you would get rid of all of the speculation. It would be like spraying an orchard for pests. You get rid of them for the entire season in a hurry. Let ‘em eat their “puts and calls.” Producers will survive. Speculators will not. Now, the above takes care of the problem quickly, but not for the long term. Look at these stats and connect the dots: The world currently uses 85 million barrels of oil a day, which is equal to the amount that is being produced and refined. That is why our price fluctuates and is so high, demand equals supply. For every billion barrels of reserves we have in the world, we get just shy of 12 days of what the world uses. Did you read this? For every billion barrels of oil reserves we say we have in the world, we get just under 12 days of world use, at 2008 levels. As China, India and other nations continue to grow, along with all of the rest of us, it won’t be long before the world consumes 100 million barrels of oil each day and we only get 10 days of world use from every billion barrels of oil reserve. The obvious question...how many billion barrels of reserve does the world have? According to various sources, the world is estimated to have around 1.2 trillion to 2 trillion barrels of oil reserves. 2 trillion barrels of oil will last the world 55 years if it uses 100 million barrels a day. At 200 million barrels a day in world use, it’s 27.5 years! Folks, like it or not...we better be going “green” in a hurry. While we may have 25 to 60 years left, imagine the last few years when wells begin to dry up. What kind of panic and chaos do you think we will be seeing then? Talking about “green,” that also serves a segue into my next segment on “green tea.” (wasn’t that clever?) Last issue I told you about these guys I met with that were looking for a an anti-aging product and came across green tea. They found that rather than the green tea itself, it was the catechin polyphenols that are in the green tea leaves that is truly the “miracle working” part of the product. These are the things scientists are proving are responsible for lowering the risks of many diseases, including cancer, heart disease and stroke. They also are proving these suppress antigens, lower cholesterol, boost the metabolism, combat prostate and cervical cancer, lower the risk of high blood pressure and delay diabetes. Over the past 10 years, in a lab in Switzerland, these guys and several other doctors and chemists on their team, were able to produce a tablet that contains 1200 times more potency than any other green tea supplement on the market. It’s pretty hot stuff and getting ready to get a whole lot hotter. Okay, your back up to speed now from the last issue. That’s what they’ve got. Now, let me tell you about what happened to me. Once a guy gets in his 50’s, he learns how to enunciate PSA better than he ever learned how to enunciate PTA or PGA. A PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test is a test that is done to determine the possibility of the presence of cancer in the prostate gland. Men should get them once a year after 50. The results are met with about the same anticipation as hearing what the IRS had to say on your audit. You might squint your eyes a little and turn your head when you ask what happened, but I promise, you want to know. I had my annual PSA test just after the first of the year for the past several years. In January of 2007, my PSA was .4. That’s good. Remember that number and that date. When I went to lunch that day in October of 2007...only ten months later..the guys gave me a bottle of these tablets. I began taking one each day. January of 2008 rolled around. I went in for my annual PSA test. Guess what it was? It was 4.5! I thought, there has to be something wrong here. It wasn’t supposed to go up. It should have gone down. I then thought, with my luck, I probably gave myself prostate cancer by taking these darn pills. Needless to say, I was more than a little concerned. My doctor told me not to get too alarmed. He said he would have me take another test after the first of April. I did. It was 1.4. WOW! That was a whole lot better. He said I would take another one every three or four months for awhile. I am to take another one in a day or two, but I won’t have the results for you until next issue. But then I thought about what had happened. In January of 2007 it was a .4, in January of 2008 it was a 4.5, three months later is was a 1.4, three months later it is what it is. The only “dots” I don’t have are what was it when I began taking the tablets in October of 2007 and what is it now? What if it was a 5 or a 6? What if I hadn’t began taking this stuff? Did I really bring it down from whatever it was in October of 2007 to a 4.5 by January of 2008, and then down (or up) to whatever it is now. Or, what if it was a 2 or 3 in October of 2007...was heading out of control...then a 4.5 in January of 2007...then these tablets kicked in and started bringing it down. I sure wish I knew what it was in October of 2007. I would like to know what it is now. I do know I’m not going to quit taking these tablets. Thanks for reading. God willing, I will be back next month...
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