| Charlie Traffas has been involved in marketing, media, publishing and insurance for more than 40 years. In addition to being a fully-licensed life, health, property and casualty agent, he is also President and Owner of Chart Marketing, Inc. (CMI). CMI operates and markets several different products and services that help B2B and B2C businesses throughout the country create customers...profitably. You may contact Charlie by phone at (316) 721-9200, by e-mail at ctraffas@chartmarketing.com, or you may visit at www.chartmarketing.com. |
What's New
2008-08-01 09:35:00
My PSA test - and - I don’t think he can say that
Answer: First I want to thank everyone who called, emailed or wrote in on the piece we did last month on the subject of the price of oil, the devalued dollar, the political mess we are in, and the media ‘stoking the fire’ at every turn. And, to get a little unfinished business out of the way, I need to do as I had promised and give you the results of my latest PSA test. To do so, let me repeat a little of the content from last month.
A few months ago I met with some guys that had been looking for years for an anti-aging product…probably the most sought after endeavor of people throughout the history of man. They had been working with all kinds of things, but had found nothing that could rival the benefits of green tea. They found however, that rather than the green tea itself, it was the catechin polyphenols that are in the green tea leaves that is truly the “miracle working” part of the product. These are the things scientists are now proving are responsible for lowering the risks of many diseases, including cancer, heart disease and stroke. They also are proving these things suppress antigens, lower cholesterol, boost the metabolism, combat prostate and cervical cancer, lower the risk of high blood pressure and delay diabetes.
Now, I have to say, of all the things I’ve heard about throughout my life, I can’t remember anything boasting of so many benefits.
Over the past 10 years, in a lab in Switzerland, these guys and several other doctors and chemists on their team, were able to produce a tablet that contains 1200 times more potency of these catechin polyphenols than any other green tea tablet on the market. This is pretty noteworthy and with what I read, getting more so all the time. They wanted to know if I would help them market it. After more than 35 years in the field of marketing, experiencing the benefits of a product or service is more important to me than it has ever been. So, let me tell you about what happened.
You see, once a guy gets in his 50’s, he learns how to enunciate PSA better than he ever learned how to enunciate PTA or PGA. A PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test is a test that is done to determine the possibility of the presence of cancer in the prostate gland. Men should get them once a year after 50. The results are met with about the same degree of anticipation as hearing what the IRS has to say on your audit. You might squint your eyes a little and turn your head when you ask what happened, but I promise, you will want to know…particularly if you are a man, or love one.
I had my annual PSA test just after the first of this year as I have had for the past several years. In January of 2007, my PSA was 0.4. That’s good. Remember that number and that date. When I met these guys for the first time in October of 2007...only ten months later...they told me about what they had found and the story behind it. They gave me a bottle of these tablets. I began taking one each day. January of 2008 rolled around. I went in for my annual PSA test. Guess what it was? It was 4.5! I thought, there has to be something wrong here. It wasn’t supposed to go up. It should have gone down. I then thought, with my luck, I probably gave myself prostate cancer by taking these darn pills. Needless to say, I was more than a little concerned. My doctor told me not to get too alarmed. He said he would have me take another test after the first of April. I did. It was 1.4. WOW! That was a whole lot better. He said I would take another one every three or four months for a while.
Well, last issue I had just taken another PSA test but didn’t have the results. I got them shortly after the August issue went to press. It was 1.3!
I don’t have to tell you how excited I was…again. When you’re at a 4.5, you’re only a point or so away from prostate surgery. Now I’ve had heart bypass surgery, several heart caths, an abdominal aneurysm surgery, and some other things…but prostate surgery is one of those things I don’t ever want to have. I don’t think I’m different from most men. If you think it’s just another surgery, Google ‘complications of prostate surgery’ and tell me…in addition to reoccurrence, what you find.
I promise you, if all I have to do is take a tablet or two a day, I can do that, rather than face all of these things. I get to take advantage of the side benefits too, of all the other things that I mentioned earlier. More later about this…
My last portion of my article for this month is about our presidential race…Barack Obama versus John McCain.
My feelings about this race center around the fact, that as the days pass, I continue to be amazed that these two are the best we have to lead our country. My next thought is, throughout my entire adult, voting life, I have always believed, that at the end of the voting day, if the other guy I didn’t vote for got in for whatever office and for whatever reason, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. I mean he or she may not be my choice, but no person is bigger than our country and we would be okay. This is the first time in my life I feel differently. Being a proponent of the art of “futuristic thinking,” (which I have explained in previous columns) I am not going to live out the future without saying or doing something to bring focus to what could be the end of the way it’s been, or at least a sign pointing to it. If I am wrong, then correct me…quickly…so I can use the small “pulpit” I have to make others aware that I am wrong.
I don’t know why for months we have heard from those who are supposed to be doing the job, “We don’t really know who Barrack Obama is.” If someone said that about me, a hundred people could put down on paper everything about me…in less than 15 minutes. Why is he so different? Why can’t we put things down, all in one place, so we CAN know who he is and what he stands for?
This article is my attempt to do so.
Mr. Obama, the following is all part of public record. These things help each of us know your political persuasions. It is true that you…
•Voted against banning partial birth abortion.
•Voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.
•Support affirmative action in Colleges and Government.
•Questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing in 2001.
•Say you will deal with street level drug dealing as a minimum wage affair.
•Admitted marijuana and cocaine use in high school and college.
•Are willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung II and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without any pre-conditions.
•Would have as one your first goals after being elected President, a conference with all Muslim nations.
•Opposed the Patriot Act.
•Signed your first bill which was campaign finance reform and chose not to follow it your first opportunity.
•Voted no on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers.
•Support universal healthcare.
•Voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees.
•Support granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.
•Support extending welfare to illegal immigrants.
•Voted yes on comprehensive immigration reform.
•Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security.
•Want to make the minimum wage a “living wage.”
•Oppose any efforts to privatize Social Security and instead support increasing the amount of tax paid.
•Voted no on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax.
•Voted no on repealing the Death Tax.
•Want to raise the Capital Gains Tax.
•Have continually maintained that the surge in Iraq has not succeeded.
The above items are part of any political candidate’s basic beliefs. They are “platform” issues. The items below however are, in my opinion, preposterous.
Mr. Barack Obama…did you write these things in your book, Dreams of My Father?
“I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.”
“I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race.”
“There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.”’
“It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.”
“I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.”
Did you state in an interview with a radio host, “...My Grandmother was a typical white woman...”
If you wrote and said these things, I’m sorry, but you cannot be President of these United States, anymore than John McCain could be President if he wrote these things about blacks. In fact sir, with this kind of a mind set, you cannot hold any public office in this country. To do so would be contradictory to all this great country stands for.
Did you write the statement below in your book, Audacity of Hope?
“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
If you wrote this, again, I’m sorry, but you cannot be President of these United States. Mr. Obama, if you are elected President, you will stand with Americans…not with a race…not with a religion…and not with a political party.
Mr. Obama, did you say, “Selma got me born?” Isn’t it true that the march in Selma, AL. had no effect on your birth, as the march took place in 1965?
Did you say, “My Father was a goat herder?” I read he was a privileged, well-educated youth, who went on to work with the Kenyan Government?
Did you say your Father was a proud freedom fighter? Isn’t it true that he was part of one of the most corrupt and violent governments Kenya has ever had?
Did you say your family has strong ties to African freedom? That seems rather contradictory to the activities of your cousin, Raila Odinga, who created mass violence in an attempt to overturn a legitimate election in Kenya in 2007. Wasn’t it the first widespread violence in decades? The current government is pro-American but isn’t Odinga still trying to overthrow it and establish Muslim Sharia law? Isn’t your half-brother, Abongo Obama, Odinga’s follower? Did you really interrupt your New Hampshire campaigning to speak to Odinga on the phone? Is it true that Odinga in Kenya ran for president and tried to get Sharia Muslim law in place there? And, when he lost the elections, didn’t his followers burn Christians’ homes? Didn’t he and his followers burn men, women and children alive in a Christian church where they took shelter?
Did you say that your Grandmother has always been a Christian? Tell me, what role did her Christianity play in her being one of 14 wives to one man?
Did you say that your name is African Swahili? Isn’t it true that your name is Arabic and ‘Baraka’ (from which Barack comes) means “blessed’ in that language? Aren’t the names Hussein and also Obama Arabic?
Did you say, you never practiced Islam? Isn’t it true you practiced it daily at school, where you were registered as a Muslim and kept that faith for 31 years, until your wife made you change, so you could run for office?
Did you say in your book that an Ebony article moved you to run for office? Isn’t it true that Ebony has never been able to find this article?
Did you say in your book, a Life magazine article changed your outlook on life? Isn’t it true that Life magazine has never been able to find this article?
Did you say in your book that you were a Professor of Law and a Constitutional Lawyer? Isn’t it true that you were a Senior Lecturer on Leave in both instances?
Did you say, without you there would be no Ethics Bill? That isn’t true either. You did not write it, introduce it, change it or create it.
Mr. Obama, I don’t think John McCain is the “sharpest knife in the drawer.” And, I will be most accommodating if you or others have things such as the above that are true that you want me to include in an article outlining who he is and what he stands for. Understand, I am not a moralist. A moralist judges others on right or wrong. I am not judging you. I am blatantly saying the things you wrote are wrong and have no place in the mind set of our President.
You have stated you would be the “Great Uniter.” I was a teenager in the 60’s. This is the last period in our country there was so much talk and hatred dealing with race. Where did this come from? I cannot recall John McCain saying a word about race throughout this entire campaign, but I can provide three dozen choice comments you and your supporters have made from making it an issue.
Mr. Obama, if this is who you are and these are things you have done and wrote, and you mean them...in my opinion...you can’t be President…ever. And, if the people in this country allow you to be, then may God bless, direct and guide America, more than He has ever blessed, directed and guided her in the past.
Thanks for reading. God willing, I will be back next month...