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Linda Kirby
Linda Kirby has been a practicing attorney in Wichita since 1988, and is running for Sedgwick County District Court Judge in the 2012 Primary. Previously, Ms. Kirby was Professor of Law at the University of Richmond. She teaches seminars on Executor's Training, Estate Planning, Pre-Marital Agreements and Retirement Planning. Ms. Kirby focuses her legal practice in the areas of Estate Planning, Pre-Marital Agreements, Wills, Trusts, Probate and Tax. She is the author of The Executor's Guide. Ms Kirby can be contacted at (316) 686-2000. Her office is located at 6135 East Central, Wichita, KS 67208, and her website is at www.LindaKirby.com.
2002-07-01 12:22:00
What is a Pre-Marital Agreement?
Answer: A Pre-Marital Agreement provides a clear, written understanding of one of the most difficult issues in a marriage, the economic expectations!  Discussing economic expectations does not mean you do not trust your beloved.  It does means that each of you is mature enough to realize that your expectations may differ.  An honest and frank discussion before marriage will promote a strong marriage.  To obtain a valid Pre-Marital Agreement the Bride and Groom must follow certain guidelines: ˜  The Bride and the Groom should list all their own assets, debts, income and expected inheritances.˜  They should discuss their personal expectations for handling finances with their future spouse• during the  marriage  • in the event there are children• in the event of a divorce      • in the event of the death of one of  either the husband or the wife˜  The Bride and Groom must each visit with her or his own attorney without the other present.  (One attorney will write the Pre-Marital agreement and the other attorney will review it.)˜  The Bride and Groom must sign the Premarital Agreement in the attorney's office well before the wedding.You can complete this simple checklist to see if you may need a Pre-Marital Agreement.
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