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Shelly Basore
Health & Wellness
2008-12-01 14:19:00
When to start on a weight loss program
Answer: We hear that particular question a lot this time of the year, and yes absolutely it is a perfect time to start a weight loss program. When a person starts any program they have made the decision to change what they are currently doing. Have you ever heard someone say “if you are not happy with your current lifestyle then you have to take the steps to change it.” You must realize you they are over weight and unhealthy. Just by being able to recognize the problems there are tools to overcome them. Most people do not realize that the food is not the problem it is everything else. These obstacles are called “motivation assassinators.” Once we recognize what these are we can deal with them. Once a individual starts with a program they are on their way to a better and more healthy self. There are several ways of dealing with the holiday foods and parties. One of the first things is planning out their time and activities. Another important part of their program is to keep a diary of movement, motivation, and foods eaten. The diary helps to organize their daily activities and shows their strengths and weaknesses. After working for awhile you begin to see the changes in their attitudes and personalities. People say they have more energy, sleep better and have a better overall feeling of satisfaction. Physical changes are so exciting to watch as people literally transform before your eyes! People are able to get off of their medications that they have been taking for years. One thing to remember when looking for a weight loss or wellness program is what am I going to learn that I can use in my everyday life? Am I going to be able to fit this program in with my daily activities? Probably one of the most important aspects of a program is, am I going to be able to eat regular grocery store food? If you are looking for a sensible weight loss or wellness program I invite you in for a free consultation and we will show you the Thin and Healthy way!!
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