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Pastor Dave Henion
Pastor Dave grew up in northern New Jersey in a very diverse cultural area. He attended Central College in Pella, Iowa received a BA in sociology and psychology. He was an offensive guard for their NCAA Div III National Championship team in 1974. In speaking for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, he sensed a call to full time ministry. Meeting is future wife Sandy at Central, went to Michigan to finish her college while Dave started Western Seminary in Holland, Michigan. Dave married Sandy in 77 and completed his Masters of Divinity degree in 78. Pastor Dave’s first church was in Fort Lee, New Jersey, home of the George Washington Bridge. Their three children were born there and he also served as a Police and Fire Chaplain for the city. In February 1991, they came to Wichita to start Harvest Community Church. In 2006, he received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Covenant Theological (Presbyterian) Seminary in St Louis. During that year he gained a daughter-in-law with now 2 grandsons of 3 years and 6 months old. Besides Pastoring at HCC for the past 20 years, he has been Director of the SCSD & WPD Police Chaplains for 11.
2008-12-31 09:59:00
Religion within broken relationships
Answer: What a wonderful thing for God to be opening your heart to spiritual things He has in store for you. No matter when and where you start, God has great plans for you and your family {Jeremiah 29:11}. Commit yourself and family to build a home that lives for the Lord no matter what others do {Joshua 24:15} and entrust the situation to Him by continuously bathing it in prayer {Psalm 127:1-2}. Then begin to live your life in Christ as an example {Philippians 3:17} and as transparently as you can so they can see God’s love and patience with you {1 Timothy 1:16}. As they get older, much will be caught by watching what you do more then what they hear you say to them. {1 Thessalonians 1:3-7}We must show them that what God says and asks us to do, is of the utmost importance in our lives. We need to live it! Be real in your faith and ask them their opinions when you are wrestling with the difficulties, challenges and issues of life. Ask them their opinion about what the Bible says about it. Don’t put them down for their views which may at times surprise you. Sometimes they will say things to get you frustrated, or try to get your goat. Don’t jump on them and say, “that’s stupid,” or “that is really immature.” Let them express their views. If they detect you are listening, they may listen to you. Be cool, lay out to them why you think God wants you to do certain things. Also, explain to them it is because he loves you, wants to protect you and wants you to get the most joy out of life. {John 10:10} Find out about their interests, get involved with them and weave in the biblical truths where they are interested. Jesus did this with the women at the well in John 4:1-26 and Paul did the same thing with all of his audiences that he shared the gospel with as in Acts 17:16-34. Find out about the beautiful people in their world that Hollywood portrays and see if there are points of contact that you can share with them. What kind of spiritual discussions could those life styles and interests stimulate? How could the Bible be helpful? Many of the episodes of the people in the Old Testament can really resonate to their hearts. Moses struggled with insecurity {Exodus 3}, Jacob was a liar and cheat whom God loved and used{Genesis 27-35}, Chain was jealous {Genesis 4} and so was Saul {1 Samuel 18-19}, David was young, small and not taken seriously, yet accomplished much {1 Samuel 17, 2 Samuel 5}, Daniel and his friends stood for what was right {Daniel 1-6} and Joseph had such a big view of God that he could forgive his brothers for selling him into slavery {Genesis 37-50}. You may want to set a side a time after supper to have a devotional reading and a prayer with them for their needs and those of their friends. If they are still young and you help them get settled for bed time, it is another great time to get a Bible Story book where it is broken down into the different characters of the Bible and maybe read one a night. Then pray with them about the things that went on in their day. It is a great time of connection to listen to their hearts and develop their spiritual lives. God inspired Moses with some dynamic principles for developing Godly homes early in the establishing of a Godly nation. He was given principles for family spirituality in Deuteronomy 6:4-9: First, he lays down the principle that there is one true God too worship – {4}“Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!” Second, he declares we are to give ourselves completely to Him – {5}“You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” Third, that we obediently do God’s will from our hearts – {6}“These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.” Fourthly, we then teach our kids both verbally and through our actions in the many areas if life - {7}”You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” Fifthly, that we leave little reminders for them and ourselves of God’s grace around the home, {8}“You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead.” {9}“You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” At times you may seem to get discouraged because you may not see any change. Don’t give up! God is at work as you deposit faith matters {1 Corinthians 15:58}. As a single mom, I want to encourage you with the example of Timothy. His father was not a believer, but his faith-filled mom and grandmother by God’s grace, poured themselves into that young man who became a great hero of faith {2 Timothy 1:5}. My prayer is that you persevere and entrust the rest to God!
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