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Jose Solis
Home Remodeling and Improvement
2010-05-01 14:25:00
Repairing asphalt driveways
Answer: This is a very good question. Unfortunately for our industry, far too many crews from out of town arrive on the scene claiming to be able to "make it just like new," mostly with unacceptable results. Most of what they do are "cosmetics." It looks good when they leave, but in a few days, you have the same problems, your wallet is lighter, and there’s no one to call to get it repaired properly. This of course makes it tougher on local businesses who do their work here and do it for a living. Here are some tips on materials and conditions to know whether or not the problems you have can be fixed. Materials available for asphalt driveway maintenance include emulsified liquids, plastic fillers and solid cold-patches. For a complete driveway rejuvenation, you may need all three. Before tackling any maintenance or repair, check your driveway for these conditions: •Impressions left by car tires after the car has been parked on the drive overnight. This is an indication of poor construction. •Heaving or tilting during cold weather, or buckling or cracking with the spring thaw. These are signs of poor drainage. To repair these troubles, you will need a new driveway. All the filling and patching in the world will not fix these. Fortunately however, such problems are not common. More likely problems are minor cracks, crumbling and chuckholes, which are relatively easy to repair, if done with the right materials and done properly. The procedure and materials used depends on whether you’re repairing cracks, filling low spots, patching or seal-coating your driveway. There are always going to be those "drive-bys" that have a good spiel and an almost irresistible price; but when you consider it all, your best bet is usually hiring a local company, that can furnish a job list and references, and that will be there after the job is finished if you need them.
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