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Charlie Traffas
Charlie Traffas has been involved in marketing, media, publishing and insurance for more than 40 years. In addition to being a fully-licensed life, health, property and casualty agent, he is also President and Owner of Chart Marketing, Inc. (CMI). CMI operates and markets several different products and services that help B2B and B2C businesses throughout the country create customers...profitably. You may contact Charlie by phone at (316) 721-9200, by e-mail at ctraffas@chartmarketing.com, or you may visit at www.chartmarketing.com.
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2010-07-01 12:50:00
An email from Dad – part two
Voice: “I would like you to send the balance of this message to everyone.” Me: “Is it like the first part you asked me to send to each member of the family?” Voice: “It is similar…and just as important that you get it out.” Me: “Why is that?” Voice: “There are a lot of things going on in the world today…more and more of which exclude, or are trying to exclude, God. This affects everything…the family, society and the country as a whole. Regardless of what some claim, we know from where we are, the United States made a commitment at its beginning to place God in the center of all it would ever do. Few countries in the world had ever made a commitment like this…before or since…to the extent that it had been done by the United States. God loves everyone, but because of this, He has especially blessed the United States. He has allowed for it to be looked upon as the leader of the world. Today, this is changing…and changing rapidly. There is a new stated goal by those in power and others who are helping them to attain it, that of, ‘a fundamental transformation of what the country is and what it is based upon.’ They make no secret of the fact that the changes this transformation require do not include God. If God is mentioned in the process of this transformation, it is more of a “political” or “politically correct” mention as to one that is heartfelt and sincere. This same process has occurred in many countries throughout the world. Now…the world is watching the United States. If it succeeds here, the rest of the world will follow the leader. This must be stopped. Many people think the solution is the ‘ballot box.’ It is not...it’s long before the ‘ballot box.’ There is no guarantee those from the same, similar or other persuasions will not pursue the same or worse path. The solution must go to the root of the problem. This is the purpose of my threefold message: One, souls must get back on track to why they are here in the first place, and put God firmly back in the center of all that they do. The question should never be, ‘Is God on your side?’ The question should always be, ‘Is your side on God’s?’ With God back where He is supposed to be…it will. This being the most important, is the biggest part of my message. Two, the family unit must be nurtured, protected and restored. When the first is accomplished, the second will follow and make way for the third. Third, few things displease God more than failing to respect and show appreciation for something He has created and/or blessed. Patriotism is waning. The country used to be much more united in what it did…particularly in major efforts…than it is today. Now, all too many march to the beat of their own self interests. More often than not, people hold a looters’ mentality…get it for yourself before someone else gets it for them. Pride in the country…its citizens and its accomplishments take a back seat to nearly every other agenda. Yet, each day people are presented with opportunities to say something good about the country, what it stands for and what it has been blessed with, and pass onto the younger generation of what it means to be an American. Most of this has stopped. It must start again…beginning today…by everyone…to everyone…or America will lose all of what God has blessed it with. All three of these are interlinked…God…family and country. This is the message you need to get out to as many people as you can.” Me: “You keep telling me not to ask you where you are, but you’re talking now as if you’re in Heaven.” Voice: “The reason I tell you not to ask is because I can’t tell you. Can you get this message out?” Me: “I don’t know how successful I will be.” Voice: “What do you mean?” Me: “Well, first…our publication doesn’t go to millions of people. Our circulation is to Wichita and the surrounding areas. Secondly, our readers are not all of the faith you had while you were alive, or my faith. Some have little faith…or no faith whatsoever. Others believe different things. Some may even come after me for writing about this. This may be the last article I ever write.” Voice: “In answer to your first concern…it starts with a few doing what is right. Then more and more until God is back, in the midst of everything, like He is supposed to be, thereby nurturing, protecting and restoring the family unit and the country. Insofar as your second concern, history is full of those who took a stand…and many more who did not. Everyone has his or her own cross to bear. You can be thankful that it’s not as big of a cross as others have had to bear…like being stoned…impaled…beheaded…boiled in oil…or drawn and quartered. If all you suffer is ridicule and isolation…it’s a small price to pay.” Me: (Pause)...“Okay. Go ahead.” Voice: “Some have said there have been 16 billion people born in the history of man. Of those, approximately 6½ billion are still alive. This means that 9½ billion people have been born and died.” Me: “I didn’t know that, but okay.” Voice: “Would it surprise you to know that the souls of 2 out of 3 of those who have died are in Hell?” Me: “Two out of three? No way! How can that be? Is that where you are?” Voice: “Like I said, I can’t tell you that, but my statement is true.” Me: “How would I know this if you weren’t…” Voice: “In Hell?” Me: “Yes.” Voice: “Of all of the souls who have died, whether our souls are in Heaven or Hell, each is keenly aware of eternity…and whether that eternity will be spent with every desire fulfilled, honoring and glorifying God in Heaven…or one of unimaginable, eternal pain and suffering in Hell. There is a great divide between Heaven and Hell, but the souls in Heaven are aware of the souls in Hell and their pain and suffering; and the souls in Hell are aware of the souls in Heaven and their happiness. The souls in Hell are always reminded of the greater good that they have lost, and how little was required for them to have earned Salvation while they were alive.” (Silence)… Voice: “If a person doesn’t get it while they are alive, when this person dies and their eternal sentence is passed upon them, they get it then.” Me: “What do you mean…get it?” Voice: “They get it. They immediately remember all of the times throughout their lives when they were told about God, Heaven, Hell and Judgment. Then, all of the verses in the Bible they ever heard, overheard, considered or dismissed are immediately present in their minds...verses like Luke 10:27, when Jesus spoke of the two greatest commandments, ‘Love your Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength, and the second, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ They remember all of the times they used the free will God gave them when it came to following…or not following…His commandments. They remember hearing that the Bible is God’s Word, handed down through the prophets. They remember how often they interpreted God’s Word to suit themselves, in the situation they were in at the time. They get the fact that God chose His words very carefully in the Bible. When He said in Matthew 22:14, ‘Many are called, but few are chosen,’ he didn’t mean the majority are chosen. Nor did He mean that half are chosen. He meant exactly what He said, ‘Few are chosen.’” Me: But two out of three souls are lost?” Voice: “If there were ten apples in front of you, and someone told you that a few were good and did not have worms, how many would you think did not have worms? Five?...six?...seven?...eight? Or, would you think that because the word few was used, it certainly wasn’t the majority of them, or even half of them, but more like two, or three or four of them?” (Silence)… Voice: “Many use their free will and pay no heed to God’s Commandments. It’s like these Commandments never existed…but they do…and they will for as long as man shall inhabit the Earth. God’s Word was not meant to be good for a few years, a couple of hundred years, or until the 20th or 21st century. His Word was meant for all time. A sin against these commandments at the time of Christ was a sin then…just as much as it was a sin in the Middle Ages…just as much as it was a sin during the Protestant Reformation…the American Revolution…the Industrial Revolution…the last 50 years…today…and tomorrow. There are the lies and dishonesty against God and man…the immorality…the gossip…the pride…the thefts…the anger…the failure to honor and appreciate the sanctity of life…the hostility…the unkindness…the gluttony…the greed…the lust…the envy…the laziness…the betrayal of public trust.” Me: “Why is it now that you sound as if you’re in Heaven?” Voice: “As I said, it’s better to leave that subject alone. No matter whether a soul is in Heaven or Hell, that soul has a greater understanding of all things. This understanding is what I am trying to share with you so you will share it with others.” (Silence)… Voice: “Sin begets sin. They may be small at first…but then they get bigger and bigger. Before long there is little conscience left. Validation of actions are expressed in words like, ‘Business as usual.’ The more of this that occurs in society…the less conscience society has as a whole. The Bible was written between 1800 and 1950 years ago. Events such as The Flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah were depicted as showing the wrath of God for when things get completely out of hand. If the Bible had been written today, how many of the events in the last 1800 years would you think were displays of God’s wrath? What do you suppose will be the displays of God’s wrath for the way the world is today…and the way it is going?” Me: “This then is your message?” Voice: “Yes, part of it. While every person ever born will get it later, those who get it now, while they are alive, will have a huge leg up on their Salvation. Getting it means you understand that you were created by God in His image and likeness. This doesn’t necessarily mean you look like God. It means that God gave you an immortal soul. It is what sets you apart from His other creatures. Your soul is made in the image and likeness of God. Although when you are born it has the stain of original sin from Adam and Eve, which must be removed through Baptism if you are to enter Heaven, your soul, being made in the image and likeness of God, yearns throughout your life to come back to God. To get there, the free will God gave you that accompanies your immortal soul, must be used to follow His commandments. Failure upon failure to do so results in developing a crust so thick, nothing can penetrate. Do you remember those 16 billion people I talked about earlier?” Me: “Yes…the number of people that have been born on Earth?” Voice: “If this is true, do you remember what 1st Corinthians 2:9 says?” Me: “Yes, it’s one of my favorite verses in the Bible. It says, ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.’” Voice: “Very good. Now if there have been 16 billion people born since man came onto the Earth, that makes for nearly 32 billion eyes, 32 billion ears and 16 billion minds. Think about all that every eye, ear and mind has seen, heard, conceived and perceived throughout their lives and throughout the history of man. Nothing…none of this…equals what God has prepared for those who love Him. This is what Heaven is. Everything in Heaven is as if it is always new. Every soul in eternity knows this. When a soul finally gets it, he or she sees how it all fits together. The biggest shame is that some won’t or don’t get it until it’s too late.” Me: “When is it too late?” Voice: “It’s too late after you’ve taken your last breath.” Me: “So, there’s still time for everyone who is alive?” Voice: “Yes, you have something in this life we don’t have in eternity. You have time. There is no time in eternity. The only clock we have ticks, ‘Forever…forever…forever...’ If your soul is in Heaven it’s a most wonderful sound. If your soul is in Hell, it adds to all of the remorses you experience for all eternity. There are all kinds of surprises in Heaven and Hell. Among the biggest may be who is in one place or the other…and who is not. This would surprise everyone. How many times does one hear at funerals or in idle talk, ‘He or she is in a better place now,’ inferring that a soul is in Heaven. The only souls the living can be assured are in Heaven are the Blessed Virgin Mary, the canonized Saints and those souls the Bible says are in Heaven. Another surprise is the fact that few people, while they were alive, ever spent nearly enough time thinking about their eternity, how long eternity is, and their free will that determines where that eternity takes place. If eternity wasn’t forever, Hell could be more manageable. But this is not the case. Few care to consider, or attempt to comprehend eternity while alive, yet once in eternity, it is like the air you breathe. It is always…always…always…first and foremost before you. Eternity is forever. There is no end to eternity. As I said, there is much thought about the free will each was given in life, in eternity too. God gave it equally to everyone. The damned souls blame everything and everyone else but what they did, or did not do, with the free will God gave them. They forever blame others for what they were told about being saved and Salvation. Free will is the most savored gift God gave to man if this soul is in Heaven, and the most dreaded and remorseful gift ever received if this soul is in Hell. Another word about remorses…the remorses the damned souls experience are equally as bad as the excruciating pain and suffering that they will suffer for all eternity. These remorses include having to spend all eternity knowing the trifles for which their soul was damned; how little was required to have earned Salvation; the greater good that was lost; and the witnessing of the souls in Heaven, who did what was right, with the same gifts that were given them. Like everything else in eternity, remorses of the damned go on for as long as God will be God.” (Silence)… Voice: “Time is Satan’s greatest tool he uses to garner souls for Hell. Most everyone thinks they will have plenty of time to make things right. While there are many souls that get no warning, like Dusty, there are many more who know…like six months…a month…a week…a day…or even minutes before death. But at death…as is the case during life…the two most prominent sins that are committed are those of presumption and despair. Presumption is committed by those who, like the Pharisees and Sadducees, believe and profess but who have not done what Jesus commanded them to do. Despair is committed by many of the others, thinking that what they have done wrong throughout their life, is too great for Jesus to forgive them. So, even if a soul is given warning…given time…and knows that death and the eternal sentence is eminent…the time is misspent by most. Just because everyone alive has yet to take his or her last breath, doesn’t mean that God will grant them the time it takes to make things right before that last breath. If a person has had no place for God throughout his or her entire life, why would God grant him or her the time to make things right? Too many people think God is a fool…or that God can be conned. Let me say, of all the things we all know in eternity, whether in Heaven or Hell, there is nothing we know better than God exists…He is everything and more than you have ever heard or can fathom…He is no fool…and He will never be conned…by anyone. Most people have heard and been taught throughout their life…God is all-merciful and all-just. He is not more of one than the other. Jesus, and Jesus alone, will pass judgment on everyone within a few moments of their death. He makes all decisions using His infinitely abundant mercy and justice. However, all souls in Heaven and in Hell know that His mercy needs to have been asked for while the body was alive, for at judgment, it is the time for justice. All souls in Heaven and Hell know forever that justice was done in regards to their own sentence. This is responsible for much added joy for the souls who are in Heaven…and responsible for much added torment for the souls who are in Hell. While every soul in eternity knows that Jesus makes all decisions insofar as the judgment of every soul, all know that any soul whose body dies, in the state of serious sin, is lost…forever. There is no hope for them…no appeal…no excuses…no perhaps. Just as the happiness of a soul that is enjoying eternal Salvation is unequalled by a thousand times of any experience that soul experienced while on Earth, the pain and suffering of a soul that is lost is a thousand times worse than anything that soul experienced while on Earth. Both go on for as long as God will be God. While every soul in Heaven cares and prays for every soul whose body is still alive on Earth, once the eternal sentence of a lost soul is passed upon that soul, no one cares or prays for that soul any longer. Throughout one’s entire life, each is told or has heard that God loves them…unconditionally…and to a greater degree than they could ever comprehend; but when a soul is lost, God’s justice prevails over His mercy. No one cares or prays for souls that are lost. Many people cannot handle it when they have been shunned or excluded from a party or a dinner engagement while they’re alive. Most have a hard time imagining they will spend an eternity with the ever-present thought that no one loves them…but this is the way it is. This is a Hell in itself, and one of the biggest reasons why souls who are lost hate all of the other souls who are lost.” Me: “But there are some who will pay no heed to this message.” Voice: “Yes, just as there has been throughout the history of man. But that doesn’t change anything. Yours will be just one more message they will have received to right their ways…but maybe it will be the one that does.” (Silence)… Voice: “Being saved and earning Salvation are two different things. Jesus Christ, who is God, came down from Heaven by the power of God – The Holy Spirit, was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary and became man. He suffered and died for all men that had been born to that time, alive at that time, and all of those who would be born in the future. By doing so, He saved every man, woman and child. But that doesn’t mean every man, woman and child will earn Salvation. Being saved merely makes one eligible for Salvation.” Me: “I think that will be a hard one to get across. There are those who will still say, ‘It says in a dozen or more places in the Bible, that all I have to do is profess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised Him from the dead and I will be saved. How do I get them to understand this won’t be enough?” Voice: “Good question…let me help you. It is true…everyone who professes that Jesus is Lord and believes that God raised Him from the dead will be saved, but this has little to do with gaining Salvation with Christ in Heaven for all eternity. If you are in an automobile on your way to a party, and you have an accident, resulting in a fire, and someone stops and pulls you from the accident before you are consumed in flames…you are saved…but this does not get you to the party. Jesus came down from Heaven, suffered, died and was raised from the dead so that all could be saved. This doesn’t mean that all souls will enjoy eternal Salvation with Him in Heaven. It just means if they profess that Jesus is Lord, died for the sins of man, and believe that God raised Him from the dead…they are eligible. If all that was necessary was to believe and profess, there would be no need to love God and love one’s neighbor as Christ commanded. When those you are talking about look at the passages you cite, as in Romans 10:8, it speaks about the faith in one’s heart and on one’s lips. In other words, what one believes and what one professes is what will lead to being saved. This is the beginning of the path that will lead to Salvation – life with Christ in Heaven. It is only the beginning. When they look at how Jesus condemned the Pharisees and Sadducees, they will understand that there must be more than believing and professing. It must lead to a very way of life that follows the way of love of Christ. The Pharisees and Sadducees indeed believed and professed, but did nothing to live out what they believed and thus were condemned by Christ. One cannot allow this, or any other passage like it, to stand alone for their Salvation. The full teachings of the Scriptures must be followed. From there, one must begin to look at what Christ taught and what it means to be a disciple…to deny oneself, take up his cross and follow Him. This shows that once a soul believes and professes, there must be present the mandate to follow the will of Christ in this soul’s life. Even the Ten Commandments would be unnecessary. Belief and profession of faith in Christ must lead to living out the faith as He has commanded. From there, all can seek to understand how to live as faithful disciples. There are things each must do to earn Salvation. Keeping God’s commandments are part of these things. Just prior to receiving the eternal sentence that will be passed upon you, Jesus will not ask you things like, ‘What kind of car you drove?’, ‘How many square feet your home had?’, ‘How many clothes you had in your closet?’, What your highest salary was’?, ‘How many friends you had?’, or ‘What is the color of your skin?’…but He will ask you things like, ‘How many people you drove who didn’t have transportation?’, ‘How many people you welcomed into your home?’, ‘How many people you helped to clothe?’, ‘Did you compromise your character to obtain the salary you were paid?’, ‘Did you perform your job to the best of your ability?’, ‘To how many were you a friend?’, ‘How did you treat your neighbors?’ and ‘What was the content of your character?’” Me: “I still find it difficult to imagine you’re here saying all you have said. Not once can I remember you talking like this. But I also still think a lot of people will fail to acknowledge what you have to say and take issue with it. I can already hear some of those I know.” Voice: “As I said before, it’s the gift of the higher understanding that allows me to speak these words. And, insofar as those who will take issue with this message, you are right, they will, but just in case, they have ever wondered things like: Could there be a God? Could there be Heaven? A Hell? Could it really be that each person is born and put on Earth to prove their worthiness to live forever with God, the angels, saints and the Blessed Virgin Mary? Could the Bible really be God’s word handed down through the prophets?...each of which is the way it is…and you cause them to think about these things…you will have assisted. Throughout most people’s lives, when it comes to almost every decision, they think, ‘If I am going to error, I am going to error on the side of caution.’ Yet in the most important decision they will ever make…a decision that will have eternal and everlasting implications…they choose to follow the words of some mortal or mortals, or some self-contrived explanation of the way things are…as opposed to strict adherence to the words of Christ. This sets up the ultimate and most tragic sickness that can ever befall a soul, but it will never be accepted as an excuse. You can take my word for one other thing about the judgment that occurs immediately after death…the only ones present are you, Jesus, your guardian angel, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Satan. All loved ones, friends, associates and the mortal or mortals who told you whatever they told you…will not be there. You will be solely held accountable for everything you did…or did not do…in accordance with the teachings and laws of Christ. Imagine the most eloquent and direct prosecutor you ever witnessed in life. Take that person’s abilities times a thousand…and that is Satan. He will bring up everything you did against the words of Christ throughout your life. He will not say anything about things you did good. He will conclude by saying, ‘You suffered, died and rose from the dead for this soul. Look what he has done to you. This soul is mine.’ You will have no defense, for Jesus already knows exactly what you did…in every instance…with the free will He gave you. Christ’s mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, is the greatest advocate the Lord gave to man. Jesus told His mother, that whatever she asks of Him would not be denied. She will be there at your judgment. But if you have never asked her to recommend yourself and your salvation to her Son, why would she do it now? Asking for this and God’s abundant mercy is something everyone must do daily throughout their life…but again…the time for asking for it will be past at one’s judgment…for then will be the time for justice. As this judgment is pronounced, and carried out immediately…for all eternity…each soul will understand more than they have ever understood anything in the past…it really would not have been that hard to have done what was right.” Me: “And the family?” Voice: “As I stated at the beginning, when God is where He is supposed to be, the family unit will automatically be nurtured, protected and restored. It is impossible to follow Christ’s instructions in John 13:34, ‘Love one another as I have loved you,’ and to have disunity and discord in the family. Some of America’s best days have been when the family unit was sound and on a good foundation. When this happens, treating others as you would like to be treated happens naturally.” Me: “And the country?” Voice: “We see the whole world from where we are. We see what it has been throughout history. We see what it is now. While we don’t know what will happen, or when whatever happens will happen, we can surmise. There are so many people who don’t have what Americans have. There is hunger, sickness, famine and strife of all sorts. There is religious and political persecution. Most people cannot speak out…on many subjects…without it coming back to bite them…or imprison them…or kill them. The vast majority of these people do not have a country heritage they can be proud of. Many of their countries came about as the result of a revolution…an insurrection…an overthrow…or a takeover. Many of their national heroes were killed or executed. You don’t see that many statues of them, or monuments to them because the regimes now in power don’t want them to be remembered and don’t want their people to be reminded of any time but right now. This is not how it has been and can be in the United States. Hundreds of thousands of people have suffered, worked, fought and died to make it the country it has been…and again…can be. As this has occurred, a rich American heritage and tradition has been born, nurtured and has matured…something the entire world is envious of…something every American should be proud of. Me: “I can see that.” Voice: “The problem is that few are passing onto the youth of what it means to be an American. The youth do not get to hear about the things it has taken to make America. The youth of today did not get to witness the decay of values and morals. It has pretty well been decayed throughout their entire lives. Instead of getting the messaging they need, they’re besieged with political rhetoric on every subject from the ‘left,’ the ‘middle’ and the ‘right.’ Few things are said or done any longer without considering their political implications. It appears to them that everyone hates everyone, and is more interested in serving his or her own agenda than helping anyone else. They see theft, gossip, dishonor, arrogance, murder, abortion, laziness, hate, anger, lies, unkindness, over indulgence, greed, pride, envy, bigotry, racism and reverse racism at nearly every turn. They hear…and it seems true to them…that the deficits over the past 30 years have created a debt they, their children and their children’s children will never repay. The climate of the world will be changing to an ice age…or a fire ball…depending upon who they prefer to believe. If someone is at least 10 years older than they are…they are in the group that ruined it for them.” Me: “You make it sound like Hell.” Voice: “Trust me, there is nothing man can fathom that is like Hell. But the youth do not see a pretty picture...because at present, there is not a pretty picture to be seen.” Me: “Okay.” Voice: “In summary…get God back where He needs to be…in the center of everything…because whether or not each person believes it now…it’s where He must be. Then follow Christ’s words in nurturing, protecting and restoring the family and the family unit. Finally, start today by saying to others…particularly the youth…how proud you are to be an American…and what a great country you have. Say it often. Mean it. Tell them that although things look tough at times, the tradition and heritage of Americans is that all will work together and resolve the problems it faces. Tell them that what they see is not how it has to be. It is God..family…then country. Although the time is getting short…America can still be the country it has always been…and what God intended it to be…if people will heed this message.” Me: “Let me ask you something else…” (Silence)… Me: “Dad?” (Silence)… Me: “Dad…you there?” (Silence)… Charlie Traffas has been involved in media, marketing, publishing and insurance for more than 38 years in Wichita. In addition to being fully licensed as a life, health, property and casualty agent, he is also President and Owner of Chart Marketing, Inc. (CMI), a full-service advertising agency, marketing firm and publishing company. CMI operates and markets a varied assortment of business products and services, including publishing The Q&A Times Journal and several B2B and B2C publications throughout the country. You may contact Charlie by phone at (316) 721-9200, by e-mail at ctraffas@chartmarketing.com, or you may visit at www.chartmarketing.com.
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