| Zach Adams is the marketing manager for Craw-Kan Telephone Cooperative. Craw-Kan offers cooperative members security systems, local telephone, long distance, high speed internet, digital cable television, IP television and cellular phone service. Zach can be contacted directly at Craw-Kan (620)724-8235 or by emailing zach@ckt.net. |
1969-12-31 18:00:00
Local number portability
Answer: Absolutely! A system known as local number portability was mandated by the Federal Communications Commission that allows consumers to take their mobile number with them in the event that they change carriers. This system was implemented in an effort to increase competition between mobile providers, as it was difficult and cumbersome for customers to change to a new number.
Once you have researched and made the decision on which wireless carrier, you are going to sign a new service agreement, you will need to make sure you have your most recent statement available from your current carrier and any passwords you may have set up with them. Your new carrier will need this account information in order to request to “port in” your old number. As long as you have the proper information, your new carrier can most likely have you leaving with a new phone all set up with your existing number.
It is also very important to check with your current provider to make sure that you will not incur any early termination fees for leaving before a service agreement has expired. This could cost you from $100 to $350 per line.
Finally, do NOT cancel your existing service before signing up with your new provider. If you do this, your number will go back to the original owner, and you will not be able to port it to your new provider. They will automatically disconnect your account when they receive the port request.