| Zach Adams is the marketing manager for Craw-Kan Telephone Cooperative. Craw-Kan offers cooperative members security systems, local telephone, long distance, high speed internet, digital cable television, IP television and cellular phone service. Zach can be contacted directly at Craw-Kan (620)724-8235 or by emailing zach@ckt.net. |
2011-02-01 14:24:00
Medical alert systems
Answer: Medical alert phone systems provide the ability to dial a list of predetermined emergency numbers from anywhere in the home with the push of a button on a special bracelet or pendant. The pendants and bracelets are waterproof and can even be used while bathing. In the event of an emergency, when the button is pushed, the pendent or bracelet wirelessly communicates directly with the base station unit which initiates calls automatically. If the first number does not answer, the base station automatically moves to, and dials, the next number in the list.
For example, if your mother falls and presses her help button, her base station unit could be programmed to call a family members’ home phone line. If this call is not answered after a predetermined number of rings, the unit would then dial that relative’s cell phone number. As a final precaution, the unit could be programmed to dial 911. Some base station units also have smoke, heat or carbon monoxide sensors that could be set to dial emergency numbers if another dangerous situation were to arise.
A medical alert system can help give you and your mother piece of mind. Knowing that she will be able to maintain her independence without the additional risk of not being able to contact her in an emergency should help you both breathe a little easier.