| Ed Martin is owner of Healthy Choices, Inc. of Wichita. Ed has been involved in the energy and health fields for over 30 years, focusing on pioneering new technologies and bringing cutting-edge products and services to the marketplace. You can reach Ed at; 316-207-7343, or by e-mail at healthychoices1@cox.net |
Health & Wellness
2011-06-01 10:02:00
The importance of drinking ionized water
Answer: Thanks for asking, but I really don’t consider myself an expert. I am just an ordinary person who always wants to learn more about subjects that interest me, one of which is health and wellness. Over the years, I have been on a journey of discovery that has lead me to many interesting people and intriguing products. Rather than just accepting product claims, however, I personally try the products that appeal to me and encourage others to do the same. When I find something that really works, I will share the information with others so they can benefit also. That is how I became so interested in ionized water.
There is no good way to properly answer this question without telling you a little about myself, so I am going to give a longer answer which will be continued over two issues of Q&A Times. This month, I will share my personal philosophy and give you an overview of my thoughts regarding the responsibility each of us has for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Then next month, I will go into the details of my experiences over the past year in learning about the home water ionizers and the amazing benefits they can provide.
Many of the opinions I will share with you today have evolved over the years, as I have learned more and more about how I believe things actually work. Some of you may agree with my beliefs, and others may think I am some sort of radical wacko. Either way, I am pleased to be able to share my thoughts with you.
Am I medically trained? No. I have a degree in architecture and have been involved in various aspects of the architectural profession for many years. This has proven to be a good background for me, because architects are continually looking for new ways to solve problems and improve people’s lives. They have to understand the logic of how things work together, and when they don’t, to ask why.
I believe that God gave us bodies that are designed for leading long, healthy active lives. I also believe that God gave our bodies wonderful capabilities for maintaining good health provided that we live our lives appropriately. I also believe that the vast majority of disease in our society is related to either bad lifestyle choices or to the thousands of new untested chemical compounds that enter our environment every year. It seems that the more “advanced” our society becomes, the more health issues we are dealing with.
I have great respect for the doctors, nurses, and other professionals in the medical community. They are dedicated men and women who are doing all they can to help people who are dealing with every sort of health issue. My son-in-law is a surgeon, so I have first-hand knowledge of the seriousness of their commitment. The problem with medicine today, in my opinion, is with the philosophy behind the research being done and the political/economic system that has been developed to maintain the status quo. Medical professionals are only allowed to practice within the limits of that system.
My personal journey to learn more about the functioning of the human body and some of the common sense things we can do to maintain better health began over 15 years ago. That was when I first became aware of the many toxic and even potentially cancer-causing ingredients that were commonly used in personal care products. I began asking questions like, “How can the government allow industrial chemicals that are shipped in containers labeled toxic and ‘Avoid Skin Contact’ to be used as ingredients in skin care products, including baby products?” The amazing answer was that The FDA does not inspect or approve personal care products or their ingredients. That was a real eye opener, and it prompted me to start my business distributing personal care products containing no known harmful ingredients. My wife and I continue to use those products in our home every day.
The next phase of my journey led me to the field of nutrition and an understanding of how many of the diseases so common in our society today are the result of life style choices. I began to realize how many diseases could be prevented just by making simple changes in our lives. To me, it’s simple logic. “If something you are doing causes you harm, then stop doing it.” That was when I realized that virtually all medical research is based on finding a cure for various diseases, and almost nothing is being spent on finding ways to prevent it. Why? It’s very simple. The drug companies fund most of the research or are involved in some way, and unless they are selling vaccine, there is no money to be made in preventing disease. However, there are fortunes to be made in treating disease, so that is where the research is focused.
Drug companies are only interested in developing drugs that can be patented, so they can control them and make money from them. If something is natural, it cannot be patented. If they find that some fruit or herb or root, or anything else in nature, has good healing properties, they will try to create a unique chemical equivalent that produces the same result. If they are successful, they get it patented and approved as a drug. Then they can market it at high prices and make huge profits. If they are unsuccessful, they will not only suppress the information on the natural ingredient, they will sometimes do what they can to keep it from being marketed.
I don’t believe that the only answer to our health care needs is to be found in prescription drugs. Many times the list of possible negative side effects from taking the drug is longer than the list of potential benefits. I personally try to avoid taking drugs and prefer to use more natural means to avoid getting sick in the first place.
Too many people today don’t want to take personal responsibility for their own health. Instead, they would rather eat and drink whatever they like and live however they want with no regard for the consequences. They feel that no matter what happens in their future, modern medicine will take care of them, and insurance will pay the bill.
In reality, we are all responsible for our own health, and each of us must take full responsibility for the choices we make in our day-to-day lives. Are these choices leading us toward having a more healthy body, or are they leading us toward a less healthy condition? I believe there is a cost for good health. We can either pay it now and enjoy a healthy life, or we can wait until later, become unhealthy and then pay much more in an attempt to regain the health we have lost.
I believe, based on my own research and experience, that drinking water from a home water ionizer is one of the best things we can do for enjoying a healthy life. In next month’s column, I will share the chain of events that led me to that conclusion.