| Ed Martin is owner of Healthy Choices, Inc. of Wichita. Ed has been involved in the energy and health fields for over 30 years, focusing on pioneering new technologies and bringing cutting-edge products and services to the marketplace. You can reach Ed at; 316-207-7343, or by e-mail at healthychoices1@cox.net |
Health & Wellness
2011-07-01 13:56:00
The importance of drinking ionized water - series part 2
Answer: Thanks for asking, but as I stated last month, I really don’t consider myself an expert. I am just an ordinary person who believes that each of us is personally responsible for our own health, and who does not believe that drugs are always the answer for whatever ails us. I believe that many of our health issues are due to poor choices we make in the food we eat, the beverages we drink and the life style we live. I also believe that God gave us bodies with a tremendous capacity for self-healing if we simply change our lives from making destructive choices to making ones that are more in line with what our bodies require. The key to living a long healthy life, in my opinion, is to be making healthy choices.
Over the years, my interests have led me to many interesting people and intriguing products with fascinating stories. Rather than just accepting product claims, however, I personally try the products that appeal to me and encourage others to do the same. When I find something that really works, I feel compelled to share the information with others. It has been this process that has now brought me to telling you about the benefits of drinking high pH ionized water.
My experience with ionized water began in the spring of 2010 when a good friend asked me to accompany him to San Antonio to meet an engineer who was developing a new product. My friend was already the largest distributor in the world for a certain group of water-related products, but he had become interested in expanding his business into a new area. His new interest, as you have probably guessed, was ionized water. It was something I knew nothing about, so I decided to get educated.
My first action was to do a Google search. I was amazed at the quantity of information available, so I immersed myself in the many websites and YouTube videos in order to quickly learn as much as possible about high pH ionized Water. I learned that the technology for making ionized water was invented by the Russians in the 1950’s, the Japanese later perfected the manufacturing of home water ionizing machines, and there are a number of companies now making them. I also learned that the health benefits of drinking high pH ionized water are so significant that the machines are a registered medical device in Japan, and physicians prescribe them for treating a wide range of health issues. However, home water ionizers are relatively unknown to most people in this country.
I also came to realize that home water ionizers are available for prices that range from several hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, and yet they all are capable of producing water with similar properties. Like most appliances, the differences in cost seem to reflect the differences in quality of materials, quality of assembly, range of control, ease of use, production capacity, product life, warranty, etc. As a normal consumer, when I shop for anything, I tend to be wary of product quality at the low end of the price range and think of products at the high end as being overpriced. However, regardless of price, I became intrigued by the information I was finding.
The more I learned about ionized water and the more testimonials I read from excited people who had experienced positive results from drinking it, the more I knew that I had to go to San Antonio with my friend. While there, I was able to experience a variety of products, and the information presented on the health benefits of drinking high pH ionized water made me think of my daughter in Dallas who suffers from ulcerated colitis. I wondered if the water could help her, so I bought a large container at Target, filled it with water from one of the home water ionizers being displayed, and left it with her on my drive back to Wichita.
My daughter called a few days later. She was excited, because after drinking the water for just a few days, her colitis symptoms had been dramatically reduced, and she had cut her medication in half. Then a couple of weeks later, she called to say she was disappointed. She had run out of the water I gave her, and within just a couple of days, her symptoms had returned, and she was back on the full dose of her medication. She wanted to know when I could bring her more water.
My friend decided to conduct his own research, so he purchased 10 home water ionizers. He kept one to install at his office, and he gave the others to 9 people whom he knew in several different states. My friends only instruction to the people was to install the ionizers in their homes, drink about a gallon of the water every day, and let him know from time to time what they were experiencing. Within a few weeks, positive reports began arriving, some of which were truly amazing.
In a previous column, I gave examples of people who have lost considerable weight while drinking the high pH ionized water. Some of these people were from the original 9 test families. Others were people who wanted to join in the test, so they brought empty containers to my friend’s business, which he filled with the water for free just to demonstrate the technology.
As I tell you the results some people have reported from drinking the ionized water, I am not making health claims for the water. I am simply repeating the information people have provided in sharing their experiences. The high pH ionized water does not have healing properties in itself, but it provides water to the body in a form that may assist the body in healing itself naturally. Everyone’s body is different, so individual results may vary. Still, there are a lot of amazing testimonials.
For example, as long as my daughter is drinking the water, her body is able to keep her ulcerated colitis symptoms under control, but when she stops drinking the water, it only takes a couple of days for her symptoms to return. In fact, the alkalinity of the water seems to have a calming effect on the various digestive issues encountered by a wide range of people. Everyone I know who has commonly had issues with heartburn or acid indigestion in the past has had the symptoms eliminated once they began drinking the water every day.
Wesley, in Arkansas, was excited because after drinking the high pH ionized water for about 3 months, his doctor canceled his prescription for blood pressure medication and cut his medication for the early stages of diabetes in half. Jerry, in Wichita, had suffered from restless leg syndrome for over 15 years, but his symptoms were reduced dramatically after only drinking the water for a few days. For years, Ellary, in New Mexico, could never make it through the day without a nap in the afternoon. However, after drinking the water every day, she soon had the energy to go full speed all day long.
As amazing as the stories are, and they go on and on, they do not make me an expert. However, what I have learned about the benefits of drinking high pH ionized water, what I have personally experienced and what I have seen the water do for others have all combined to make me a true believer. Now I am like a missionary. I feel compelled to tell everyone about this incredible technology.